Solicitor in Limerick?


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I've just put a deposit on a house in Limerick and now I need a solicitor. The auctioneer said that if I dont have a solicitor in two weeks they will put the house back on the market.

Can anyone recommend someone in Limerick?
I used a guy called David Herlihy for a remortgage a while back, and he was very thorough and efficient — and competitive, compared to the bigger law firms in town. If you're talking about a straightforward conveyancing job I'd certainly recommend sounding him out (tel. 063-20694). He's based in Kilmallock, but is in Limerick city on an a regular basis and would probably be happy to meet you at a convenient location for the purpose of witnessing signatures, etc.
Carmody Solicitors in Shannon - beside Skycourt centre - easy to get to from Limerick were excellent when i purchased house.

You should look them up.
I used Patricia O Connor on my last 2 houses. Quite efficent although I think with all of them you have to chase them a bit. Also get a quote for the work before you start and tell them you are ringing around to get quotes. And if they are dearer tell them. It is easy money for them so they are all prepared to drop their prices a bit...
Homelaw direct is one of those flat rate jobbies. paid around 1500 all in, compared to around 4500 on previous house. They were grand, got the job done. You do have to chase them all - so might as well pay as little as possible.

thye are based out of Fahy and Co. near Donkey Fords.

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Can you actually do the conveyancing yourself ? ( you can in uk ) but not sure what the law here is. There's not that much to it and you keep control of what is happening.
Swallows said:
Can you actually do the conveyancing yourself ? ( you can in uk ) but not sure what the law here is. There's not that much to it and you keep control of what is happening.
I don't think any major bank will give you a mortgage unless they have the security of a solicitor who will guarantee them 'good title'. Of course, if you're spending your own money, you can do what you like.
A friend of mine did his own conveyancing some years ago but had to be persistent,
as he got hassle from a few quarters which weren't used to dealing with non-solicitors.

- I used him as well and the job wasn't straightforward as I had to transfer deeds as well as conveyancing.... I outline what I need done and asked for a quote in writing. The final payment for the remortgage was higher than what he had written initial eventhough I had stated upfront what I need .... I think he was a bit of a charactor and wouldn't use him again !!!!!
Hello all,

Had a really good experience with Carmody & CO in shannon.

efficient, friendly, reasonably priced.

Give them a try.
Sorry, zardebt! Recommendation (conditionally) withdrawn! What I gave him to deal with (on recommendation from my NIB branch manager) was an absolutely straightforward re-mortgage job. Simply put, he was the cheapest acceptable option... "Character" or whatever simply didn't come into it!
pgf5312 said:
A friend of mine did his own conveyancing some years ago but had to be persistent,
as he got hassle from a few quarters which weren't used to dealing with non-solicitors.
Was this in Ireland? Did he have a mortgage on the property?
I've had David deal with a number of house and site sales over the last few years and I've found him to be excellent - and the price is always right
You should get a good price from most of them now, there are a lot to choose from in Limerick but most of the ones we have dealt with have been pretty good, there are exceptions though. Is it a new build?