solicitor for house purchase on Northside of Dublin



just put a deposit on a house on the northside of dublin can anyone recommend a good solicitor and how approx cost of solicitor for house costing €336,000


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Did anyone here use this service ? How did they find it ? and was was the final bill.
Ring homebuy/homesell. I rang them to see how much the outlay was and they said between 200 and 700, nice to get an upper limit on stuff like that.
Solicitors in Ireland will not give a final gure because there is so little to do in conveyancing that they would not be able to justify the charges. You could put it on the back of an envelop on what needs to be done in conveyaning now that everything is propertly registered. If they property is not registered then they might be a little bit of research to do be done and from what I found in Ireland they will charge double for that.

Keep shopping around for quotation.
so of my friends used

but they were also getting a mortgage with them..........but the solicitor cost are €690 (but don't include vat and searches) think the total comes to back €2200. I am going to be using them myself, so will let ye know how I get on with them
I went with a company offering a similar deal to homebuy/sell, I think it was. It was €975 plus the vat and the outlays and I didn't get a mortgage from them, but not sure if that has changed in the 2 months since then.

The VAT brings it to around 1200 and we paid a total of 600 in outlays. Our house was done on the cheapr of the two methods (Land Registry and Registry of Deeds) not sure which and the other is a good bit more expensive which is why they can't give a final figure until theyve looked at the deeds to find out which one they fall under.

Going flat fee makes FAR more sense than a percentage of the fee, and if you get it for a grand plus vat plus outlay you are guaranteed to be saving money on the old percentage based approach. Make sure you are issued a statement of account with breakdown of each outlay and contest this if you have issue with it.
Why do professional charge so much for work in Ireland compared to the UK. Convyancing is so cheap in the UK compared to Ireland can anyone tell why this is as the procedure is so similar everything is registered and they do not even has to attend the Land Registry office to inspect the folio as they can be obtained online now.

Why, why do the charge so much???