Solicitor for a fixed fee


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Does anyone know a Solicitor in West Dublin area who works for a fixed fee ? We are selling and buying a property ?

Not sure the location is hugely important since one visit should be enough.

Used Dermot Deane recently for a remortgage and couldn't fault them for the service. I understand they do a fixed fee package (for €750, I think).

Call them. Their address is Mespil House.
Try Niall McCabe in Lucan. The solicitors is Bowman McCabe, Lucan, Co Dublin. We are using him as we are buying and selling properties and he gave us a fixed fee for the whole lot.
Some of these do actually cut corners. One of them does not lodge the details with The Land Registry and which must be critical. When queried on it they said that what they did was 'deemed' enough. I had another solicitor complete this aspect at extra cost and it took years and tears, as wll as blood and sweat and they refuse to help. He was adamant that this is most critical and that not doing it is 'red lights big time' as he put it.

I am also told of one such firm 'cut-price' conveyancer soliictirs that has a massive debt collection department with the revenue commissioners as clients, getting judgements on property and forcing sales, etc. Is this for real? Someone, even another client of thierts, makes a claim against you and they have your deeds!

Can anyone in the profession help us here? Maybe the firm themselves might enlighten us?
Did you lodge a complaint with the law society?
I don't see the problem here. I've never heard of any case of a solicitor abusing their possession of your deeds as you seem to suggest. Has this ever happened?
I'm currently in the process of moving house and went to the solicitor I used last time to handle the sale and purchase. His initial price was €6000 for both. I haggles him down to €3000. It still seems like a huge amount of money for 10-15 hours of his secretaries time and about 30 minutes of his.
If I was buying a property in a new development where boundary and land registry issues would be very unlikely to come up I would use a fixed price solicitor.
oysterman said:
Not sure the location is hugely important since one visit should be enough.

In a buy sell situation the following documents need to be signed:

1. Contracts for the purchase
2. Contracts for the sale.
3. Mortgage documentation for the purchase
4. Closing documents for sale - before completion of sale.
5. Closing documents for purchase - after completion of purchase

Some of these can be signed in one fell swoop but not all so its not just one visit.

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Signed for our new house yesterday evening, our solicitor said she wont be needing to see me again...........good job too, she is in the city centre vs D15 (in rush hour). Am very happy to date and wouldn't let the distance/hassle factor into a personal recommendation

Congrats on the house move - any chance of letting us into the secret of who the Solicitor is and if she is doing the work for a fixed fee ?

We used Dermot Deane recently to buy and sell. €900 plus Vat for each transaction. He can be difficult to get in touch with until your sale is moving - very efficient and thorough from then on.
Rainyday...Re: Solicitor for a fixed fee

Use The Law Society, are you mad? Well yes I have and in many cases they protect solicitors that abuse their role. They may pact against blatant ones but only where there is no other option. They are self-regulated so what do you expect? This is all well-established fact. In choosing a solicitor in future my first question is on their discipline record.

Here is an example: a cut price solicitor made a mess of my conveyance, he failed to lodge the paper work with the Land Registry and he also omitted parts of the property. He subsequently represented another party while they claimed ownership of the property.

What did the Law Society do? They recommended that I pay him €500 to get my files from him. This was so that he could copy them and have access to them if as he represented the other party.

.... potentially libellous comment deleted... And here are we thinking that they will protect us. Did you ever look at their complaints process: the solicitor has advance copies of your complaint but you cannot see their response at any stage. The Law Society refises to give me a copy of a High Court action so that I can consider my options. What are they hiding? .. potentially libellous comment deleted...

This is such a sorry situation you would not believe it. All I say is be very careful. I would pay a local reputable solicitor and at least you have some leverage if he causes problems.

NOTE*** (It was necessary to remove a number of potentially libellous comments from the above post.)
Hi All,

try [broken link removed]. You just have to be a member of a credit union and you can avail of a fixed fee using any solicitor on their list:

500 euro + vat + outlay - increasing an existing mortgage
999 euro + vat + outlay - new mortgage

Both are fixed irrespective of the amount of the mortgage.
