Solicitor Costs


Registered User
Just curious if anybody has come across a solicitor who performs conveyancy at "rock-bottom rates - as low as €450", as claimed in this article?

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The article was riddled with inaccuracies; That said, it is certainly possible that some few solicitors are doing conveyancing at €450, but they are not making a living at it, they are certainly not running an office on it, and they are so unrepresentative of market reality as to be a statisticially insignificant deviation.

Articles such as this are useful to the extent that they remind consumers to query price. It is unfortunate that the article makes so many assertions which are well off the mark.
I was wondering if anyone had a general idea of how much a solicitor would charge for executing a will and getting a grant of probate? Is there usually a % charged based on the value of the estate?
I was wondering if anyone had a general idea of how much a solicitor would charge for executing a will and getting a grant of probate? Is there usually a % charged based on the value of the estate?

You have two separate matters there and they are entirely separate

1. Making a will - the client executes the will, the solicitor drafts/makes it.
2. When the testator/testatrix dies, dealing with the estate and extracting a Grant of Probate.

Unless in extreme cases ( Testator on death bed) the two do not normally go hand in hand. Unless the Solicitor is the executor or is nominated in the will, it is likely that the executor may use the same solicitor, another solicitor, or choose to extract the Grant themselves.

An executor is free to shop around for fee quotes at the time. Percentages would not normally be used. It can be very difficult to price a Probate in advance. I currently have four separate Probate "cases from hell" on my desk - ranging from new assets constantly appearing ( Testator very cagey about disclosure of anything) to alcoholic father behaving badly and carving up his sons to barking mad family taking 25 years to deal with mothers estate to vindictive beneficiary holding up distribution from a misguided sense of victimhood. One of my clients has said that had he known the potential for grief factor he would have happily walked away and left the estate to fester.

Equally some cases are very straight forward
