Solicitor Charges for Mortgages



I'm in the process of purchasing a new home. As the conveyancing work is easy, I want to pay as little as possible to the solicitor. Can anyone advise who the cheapest solicitor in Dublin is for this work? Thanks....
How do you know that the conveyancing work is easy?
We Are Using A Solictor In Artane He Was Highly Recommended I Will Get His Number If You Want It
He quoted us €1200 but could not give the outlay he just say it will be between €200 to €700
can anyone please detail what exactly these mysterious "outlays" actually consist of and why their price varies so much e.g. between €200 and €700?
If You Are A Memeber Of A Credit Union Do A Fixed Rate Of €999 Plus Vat Plus Outlays I Think
candyman said:
can anyone please detail what exactly these mysterious "outlays" actually consist of and why their price varies so much e.g. between €200 and €700?

See this topic.

There are some cut price conveyancing solicitors mentioned in the .
The solicitor would know what the land charges cost by the value of the house and also if he is dealing with the mortgage for the purchase he should also know what would be involved in that as it is near enough standardised as the land charges are. The other amount between 200 and 700 would be for hand holding as one solicitor said in a posting. A lot of money for hand holding? He/she may also be estimating that they are going to incur problems with the transaction and want to leave some contingencies however this is so unfair because how are you going to know what they are going to make up and can you disprove it later without a lot of stress and work??
that statement is such utter rubbish and typical of some of the misinformed nonsense that passes for advice here but in truth is of help to nobody.

200-700 for outlay is not mysterious and definitely not for hand holding. Outlay is third party payment which the solicitor must pay on your behalf without any benefit to himself/herself. Examples are land registry fees, searches etc.

At the very start of the transaction, before the solicitor see the title to the property, he will be unable to tell you the exact outlay (e.g. he won't know if it's a land registry or registry of deeds title, and the outlay differs considerably on these).

Hopefully this will have been of some assistance to the original questioner.
If the property is fairly new than it will be registered however if the property is old then they may be some work involed. Land registry follio can be obtained now on the internet as they are live now as will as the UK. The UK will however go a bit further and will reveal what was paid for the house in the first instance this is not so in Ireland but please correct me the above legal person who the posting the last posting prior to this one. The land registry fees are standard and will also depend on the prices of the property that is being purchasing.

Solicitors should have no problems now in determining the fees up front and any extras will only be minimum however will that be the case??