solicitor and surveyor for house purchase


Registered User
Sorry in advance if posted in wrong area. I am looking for a solicitor and surveyor for house purchase in the dublin area. I would appreciate it if anyone had any recommendations.

Cost of a surveyor

Does anyone know how roughly how much a house survey would cost (3 bed house, Dublin, 30 years old) ? Can you get the valuation done by the same surveyor?
Thought a full structural survey used to cost about €150-€200 in recent years? And I presume that the surveyor would also give a valuation at the same time?
I had thought that structural survey by an engineer cost around €500 on average?
And no, a structural engineer would not be giving a valuation on the house.
That's the job of a Valuer who is sent by the Bank on behalf of the lender, or is chosen from a local panel to act on the Bank's behalf.
Have recently been through this process, our structural survey cost E400 and that was in the munster area. That also included the engineer doing the valuation for the bank. The bank will have a list of recognized valuers and as long as your engineer is on that list, they can do the valuation also.

Cannot recommend someone per se (I must offer independent advice etc.), however I can offer you a name.

Peter Sweeney Building Engineer

Website gives you an impression of his work.

Our firms are not connected through business.

His is one of several with whom we are carrying out some research on building details and typical faults and how to avoid them, etc.

Well, someone has to
I understand that valuations by building professionals - not estate agents and valuers - should only be offered for insurance reinstatement purposes.

That is to say advice on the amount that should be taken account of when considering rebuilding the house, including demolition and carrying away.

I think you'll find their P.I. does not cover them for valuations per se.
Happy to stand corrected on this.