Sole owned garden in small block - group pay for doing it up?


Registered User
Hey there,

This is a situation that I cant get my head around and I would like some advice if anyone can help.

I have an apt in a small block of 3 apts and access to it is through a square that leads onto the road. The square is approximately 5 metres wide by 10 metres (approx 7 cars could fit there if you dropped them in from above - I know not great description!)

One apt owner owns this yard and is talking about doing it up. It is certainly taking from the apts, its stark to say the least with exposed fans and the stairs to the building look very poor. The thing is that I agree that putting a garden there and doing it up would seriously boost the value of the apts but I feel uncomfortable about paying much since I dont own anything although he wont do it alone.

Is there anything that anyone could suggest to protect any investment I put in -
is there a way to say you own part/ have control over a built garden (small walls, tress etc) without any ownership of the land beneath?

Could we sign a licence/lease that my investment entitles me to equal control for a certain length of time?

Could I ask for a small area for storage to be sold as part of my investment?

Any suggestions about my legal situation following payment in terms of what I could enforce would be very much appreciated?

with thanks and sorry for long post