Sold a car to a dealer then this happened?



Sold a car to a dealer. They looked it over then took it for a short drive. Paid me by cheque and gave me a receipt. The following day they have called me saying that there is a blown headgasket on the car. What are my rights. Should they have checked the car out more thoroughly? Where do I stand. And can they legally stop the cheque they issued me?
Thanks for that. Just a little worried though that they will stop the cheque. Any idea where I would stand if that happens?
£12000. They do have full workshop facilities there so could have checked it out more thoroughly. I have heard of something called 'Buyer Beware' but not entirely sure what it means?
I presume you were not aware of this defect. The garage are experts, and should have noticed this problem when they inspected it. If they cancell the cheque you can sue them for breach of contract, and a few other things. Again if it happens you need to go to a solictor.
Car only past its MOT less than a month ago and I have only covered 30 miles in it since (been away through work). Have spoken to the garage where it was tested and they said that if there was a head gasket problem then it would have pushed the emmisions through the roof.
Please note any advise above is based on Irish law, and I presume you are in UK.
Cash the cheque. Tell them get lost. I suspect in a collapsing market they may be thinking they paid too much for it.