Solar panels - west facing roof?



Does anyone know if solar panels are worth installing on a west facing roof? I was told that it is really only south facing roofs that are suitable. Also does anyone have solar panels installed and would you recommend their installation?
Hi - I was going to get solar panels for our house which is east facing but was told by 2 companies that we would be wasting our time as it is a MUST that they be south facing... sorry...
However solar panels do not have to be mounted on the roof. Talk to a couple of good installers.
Here are the facts,ask the specialists for their numbers and references for these:
A solar panel fixed at 30 degrees to the South will deliver 100% of it's potential. A solar panel fixed at 30 degrees to the Southwest or the Southeast will deliver 95% of it's potential. A solar panel fixed at 30 degrees to the West or East will deliver 90% of it's potential.
A solar panel laying flat will deliver 93% of it's potential.
Now the comparrisons with the 90 degrees, the straight wall: A solar panel fixed at 90 degrees to the South will deliver 70% of it's potential. A solar panel fixed at 90 degrees to the Southeast or the Southwest will deliver 65% of it's potential. A solarpanel fixed at 90 degrees to the West or East will deliver 50% of it's potential.
Unless you have only a North facing surface you can always gain solar energy with a thermal collector.
Heinbloed, can you point me to any web sites to back up your claims? Tks.

Active Solar Energy
Active solar heating systems are perhaps the most familiar methods of harnessing solar energy. These use solar panels to collect heat from the sun. Sunshine heats water flowing through flat collecting panels, which work like radiators in reverse - they absorb radiation to heat water. Such a system can provide hot water directly or for use in a central heating system. Solar panels provide clean, CO² free heat, which, can be used to provide domestic hot water, to heat swimming pools and to provide service hot water for commercial buildings such as hotels and hospitals. In Ireland, a correctly sized unit can provide 60 percent of a household's hot water needs over a year. The panels are usually placed on the roof of the house and angled to catch as much direct sunshine as possible. Ideally solar collectors should face south however, an orientation up to 45° east or west of due south will not significantly decrease performance. It is estimated that current solar collector installations represent just 0.2% of the estimated practical solar heating resource available.