Solar Panels/Collectors Question


Registered User
Hi everyone,
I have had solar collectors installed as part of a new build project. However, earlier today the builder (who had them installed by a separate company) showed me this fairly primitive system whereby I will have to pump coolant fluid into the system "every month or so", apparently when the pressure on the gauge drops!
When I say pump, I literally mean pump-action from a plastic barrel! Has anyone else encountered this sort of set-up? For such a forward looking piece of techology it seems like a bizarre bit of maintenance!
I'd appreciate anyone's opinions/experience...

I'm amazed by that, sorry never heard of anything or the like.


I had a solar installer in my home last him your post and he laughed (Sorry ).

He said you should have a sealed system which never allows pressure to drop. He felt you have a leak somewhere in the system and need to get the builder or the installer to pressure test it again.

There is no way you should have to top up in this manner.

Did you get a copy of his commissioning report? This is what is submitted to the SEI for the grant. It might not tell you anything about your particular problem but it would clarify if the installer conformed with the installation guidelines laid down by SEI.

Hope this helps.

PS: Tried to post this last night but I lost the post everytime I tried to submit it.

That sounds much more like it! Your builder either knows very liitle about your system or they are asuming you know very little.
