Software to record internet use


Registered User
Can anyone please recommend software that will enable me to record my kids activity on the internet without them knowing about it. I found a website that seemed exactly what I wanted "I am big brother" but it wouldn't download successfully and all my emails to the company went unanswered. I found other products on a google search so at this stage I am looking for a recommendation for a product someone has managed to successfully install. Many thanks.
Bananas, you don't need any software to monitor this once your kids don't know how to clear the temporary internet files (and I think it helps if you have cookies enabled)! This information is all available in your "\documents and settings\<user>\local settings\temporary internet files" directory. It contains all images from all sites visited (cached) so you can see exactly where they have been. Of course if they know how to clear this cache then its of no use to you - so depends on how computer savvy they are!!
Even if they're pc savvy the index.dat file contains a list of all cookies and can only be cleaned by a 'washer' type utility which they'd have to download. Most people don't know about this.

Em...index.dat is located in the temp internet dir I think. Sorry...too lazy to check
Something along the lines of "Net Nanny" should do the trick. This will log internet usage, but also has the facility to block material you deem unsuitable.

The company behind this have a team that update a database of websites, which you can download free. You can set up profiles for all members of the family, and select the level of information you want to allow each of them access to.

Should cost no more than about €50.
Thanks for the replies everyone, history folder is being deleted on a regular basis, tried the temporary internet files, looks like someone has done some deletion on that two, Gabriel I'd love a bit more info on how to find the index.dat file, haven't managed to find it myself yet. Thanks. It's a fairly difficult situation with some fairly nasty porn involved so I need to resolve it soon.

On my machine here it's located here...C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5

I have XP Pro.

Mind you I'm not seeing much in there. I think cookies need to be on.

To be honest I'd try Net Nanny...I'm sure it'll allow you to set a password and start up on windows start up so would be difficult (unless kids really know what they're doing) to disable.

Either that or sit kids down and discuss the situation.

Looks like they are pretty computer savvy then and have something to hide.

If you use Net Nanny to block sites aswell then they are obviously going to know something is up. Does anyone know if Net Nanny gives a message that it has blocked a site or a "401 site not found" type message?

To be honest though in the circumstances you describe doing it without their knowledge may not be the best approach, letting them know you are on to them and are watching may be more appropriate, in which case Net Nanny could be ideal.
I will try Net nanny, at the moment I am trying to get proof of sites visited and dates, I have already confronted the person concerned who has denied it, I suspect he may have an addiction problem at this stage. Thanks for all help.
The software you are looking for is located at

[broken link removed]

It takes a record of all keyboard keys pressed and you can set it up to take snapshots of the screen at chosen intervals. anything anyone does on the computer is available to you on a log.

The beauty of it is that it does NOT appear in task manager using ctrl alt delete and no icons are visible when it is on.

Oh and as per website it states "Invisible Keylogger will record and time stamp all websites visited. If a user is surfing inappropriate content, Invisible Keylogger will record this content. You may re-visit all websites directly inside the Invisible Keylogger log viewer."

Well If the person is old enough to enjoy porn then let them have there fun - unless its illeagal.
If the perosn is only a kid then the best way to monitor web sites is by actually being in the room. Kids shouls not be allowed on the internet alone.

Net Nanny is a good program with legit uses.

However Key Logging software is worse that the problem. If the software in not from a well established trusted company then all you passwords/credit card/banking will all be stored in a handy location that will be easy for malicious attacks (if MS have problem with IE - Invisible Keylogger will not have the solutions). Not to mention a phone home coded into it.
Anyone know what type of porn is illegal? I presume anything involving children is but what about adult stuff?