Social Welfare Entitlement


Registered User
I unfortunately was made redundant on Tuesday - a complete shock to me as i was not expecting it. When i go to sign on next week - will they ask me what redundancy sum i got and if so what am i obliged to tell them and will the size of my package affect my weekly unemployment benefit.

No I dont think so, if your redundancy was over a certain amt. tax would already have been deducted. But Jobseekers Benefit, wont be affected, as standard rates apply, regardless of whatever amount you got in redundancy payments.
Someone else may be more up to date on this, or you can check with your local " Citizens Information Office "

It doesn't affect your eligibility but depending on the amount you may have a disqualification period before you are entitled to benefit. See below from citizens information website


From 1st February 2007, if you are under 55 and get a redundancy payment of more than €50,000 you will be disqualified from claiming Jobseeker's Benefit for the following lenght of time:
Amount of Redundancy PaymentPeriod of Disqualification€50,000.00 - €55,000 1 Week €55,000.01 - €60,000 2 Weeks€60,000.01 - €65,000 3 Weeks €65,000.01 - €70,000 4 Weeks €70,000.01 - €75,000 5 Weeks€75,000.01 - €80,000 6 Weeks €80,000.01 - €85,000 7 Weeks€85,000.01 - €90,000 8 Weeks€90,000.01 and over 9 Weeks
General rule with Social Welfare, tell them the truth! If they ask you questions about your means it is for good reason, and lying to them is fraud. If it makes no difference then no harm telling them, if it does make a difference and you lie about it, you wil be in a lot of trouble if and when the do find out.

The amount of redundancy will be stated on your P45 which you will have to give to them.