Just as well you didn't take the advice "not to appeal it". I would now look closely at their new set of figures, rather than saying "phew" to make sure that the €16k has been properly calculated also.
So it appears that the original calculation was made based on a sum of money in your mother's bank account at time of death and possibly back to age 66 or so?
At the time she would have started receiving a widow's pension, did SW not then ask her did she receive an inheritance from her husband?
How many people on a non contributory pension declare the inheritance they receive when a spouse dies?
Just as well you didn't take the advice "not to appeal it". I would now look closely at their new set of figures, rather than saying "phew" to make sure that the €16k has been properly calculated also.
I think that's kind of sad. I am sure €16k would have been a lot of money to your mother and possibly your Dad. I would fight tooth & nail to ensure that all calculations were correct. Easy Come, Easy Go springs to mind.
Tip:- For others out there who are doubtful about SW figures presented to them always request a Review first. If still not happy and cannot resolve the situation, then go for an Appeal. (It's a lengthy process)
So it appears that the original calculation was made based on a sum of money in your mother's bank account at time of death and possibly back to age 66 or so?
At the time she would have started receiving a widow's pension, did SW not then ask her did she receive an inheritance from her husband?
How many people on a non contributory pension declare the inheritance they receive when a spouse dies?