Social(ist) Partnership talks break down.

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I take exception to the hackneyed and lazy argument that public servants simply get money handed out for nothing.We do actually work for a living! And pay taxes too.

Trouble is - so many people are dependant on govt handouts, be they social welfare, fas schemes or public servants - are there enough people left to forget civil war politics / old allegiances and vote with their head ?

I take exception to that! I'm a public servant and I would put it to you I've NEVER taken a handout in my life! The dept. I work for makes money by charging clients for services. Your taxes or anyone elses taxes don't pay for me.
I take exception to that! I'm a public servant and I would put it to you I've NEVER taken a handout in my life! The dept. I work for makes money by charging clients for services. Your taxes or anyone elses taxes don't pay for me.

I do not agree with the description of public services in the line of handout.

I argue that they are on average paid more than they should when compared to their counterparts in the private sector or that they should not be there in the first place.

And in grahamo's case, if you department makes money by charging clients for services, why is it than that your department is a public sector?
It can't be an essential service because than it would be free or paid for by taxes, so it must be something where the state has again taking over things it should not. So enlighten us, where do you work and if there is private competition to it so that we can see for ourself what's going on there.

The state should concentrate on the core services and leave the rest to the private market. Despite the greed in the banking sector it works fine for other stuff ranking from waist collection (ever since bin tags came it's not longer a public service but county council gaining unfair advantage over private companies) to public transport (despite Dublin Bus using unfair methods to get a private company out of the business).

I'm happy to pay my fair share to the goverment to take care of the core services and the ones that are not as well off when they deserve it (means tested) but I right now pay over 18 Euro a day for a public service that does not work (see health care), uses unfair practices (waist collection) or is not needed at all (NCA etc.).

I'm all for paying Gardai more money to provide an efficent service, I'm all for ensuring that the public has the basic services of security, education, health and core infrastructure but do we really need 20% of the work force to be public servants which in a lot of cases use unfair practices to keep to their monopolistic services?
Trouble is - so many people are dependant on govt handouts, be they social welfare, fas schemes or public servants - are there enough people left to forget civil war politics / old allegiances and vote with their head ?

I also take excetion to this.
As i do i and i believe a mod should remove it.

Why? Not that I agree with his point but he is certainly entitled to his opinion and we still have free speech here.

He will have to life with the PM's and public outrage of his comments and that is fair. If you can't take the heat that you generate by making statements than don't make the statments.

He is not yelling Fire in a cinema so for me it's free speech, even if I disagree.

However it's bad that the valid point of the OP is not going to be overshadowed with "I disagree" posts.

You can always "ignore" his posts.
It was written in the context of another poster "wondering if its time for a brand new political party". I merely make the point how many people get their income from the state. The amount of money the country is borrowing to pay for public services is truly staggering.....check the international press for harsh not take my word for it, ask why is the country now seen by the international community as the worst risk for defaulting in Europe.
imcome from the state ?? I get mine from my employer. Ok its the state but to compare me and others to someone on the dole is below the belt.

I come in and do my job and i go home. I don't make decisions on how money is spent or where it goes.
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