So, we should all eat Kangaroo eh!?

Have you actually tried it? Without thinking of skippy when eating it, its quite tasty. Just tastes like thin cut steak to be honest!! Had the pleasure of it when i was on Frasier Island last year!
Have you actually tried it? Without thinking of skippy when eating it, its quite tasty. Just tastes like thin cut steak to be honest!! Had the pleasure of it when i was on Frasier Island last year!

Yes indeed, its tastimus maximus and its lean too.
He he, yeh it's actually quite nice, thinking abour their farts though...mightn't be good for digestion !:)
There are extensive studies underway at the moment to see if the enzymes in kangaroo stomachs can be introduced into cattle.

...I saw it on TV; it must be true :D
Tried kangaroo meat once, wouldn't be tempted to try it again! Mind you, it didn't help that the waiter informed us that it had been scraped from the front of the restaurant tram that very morning ... :p