So slow solicitor


Registered User
I'm the executor of my late aunt's will and am in the process of selling her house. Unfortunately, the solicitor I engage is absolutely dreadful. The sale has been dragged out by the buyer for the last 6 mths. My solicitor need prodding all the time to get things moving. Now having at last got the funds from the other side's solicitor, he tells me he can't distribute the funds until he crosses every t and dots every i. Just today he tells me that the other side's solicitor has a query on a loan(to a niece) that was guaranteed in the 70's by my aunt using the deeds to her home. The loan was paid back but he says it still appears on the Registry of Deeds. I have made contact with the niece and she was able to supply evidence that the loan has been fully repaid.
I cannot understand how this is only arises at this stage. We have already handed over the keys (two weeks ago) and I thought that would be that.My solicitor says his hands are tied as the other side won't allow the funds to be released until this latest "problem" has been sorted. Even then he says he needs at least 48hrs to sort out his account (fee). At every turn is he looking for Senior Counsel's advice. I'm dreading the bill!!
Has anyone any idea if having handed over the key (i no longer have access to the house) I should have the money paid out. Also any advice on looking over the bill. Am I entitled to ask for copies of invoices he has received from Senior Counsel. I have a bad feeling about all this. I can see a massive bill being presented and I just need to know what I should query.