So are we really being fleeced on Petrol Prices?


Registered User
From so many corners, the shout goes up that we are being fleeced on petrol and diesel prices. I have not seen much real analytical data to support this beyond the anecdotal "well prices went up real quick when oil prices went up, but are slow to come down".

To this end I did some research and came across the following:

As of 29th september 2008, we ranked one of the lowest per litre prices (including duty) in western Europe at EUR1.28 per litre for petrol, with only spain at EUR1.14 and LUX at EUR1.21 lower than us.
[broken link removed]

Then looking at the prices for comparison between now and one year ago:

A year ago, Now
95octane petrol EUR1.15 EUR1.23
Diesel EUR1.10 EUR1.30
Home Heating (1000l) EUR734 EUR830
Source for 1 year data;
[broken link removed]
Now prices - personal observation, and yes there will be wide country variance - but that is not the purpose of the posting to spend time discussing best price availability as there are many posts on that topic

Other factors to consider

USD/EUR exchange rate:

1 year ago USD1.415 = EUR1.00
3 months ago USD1.578 = EUR1.00
Now USD1.343

Now if someone could get a history of Platt's EN590 FOB Rotterdam, then we could see a real picture of what the wholesale cost of refined diesel is, but that's not available to Joe Public (anyone got a bloomberg screen???)as I can see it.