Snags not fixed - what next?


Registered User
FTB looking for some info & advice re snagging process.
New build. Deposit paid, contracts signed, loan offer in place, got called to snag, snagger inspected, sent report to foreman, foreman ~1 week later said snag complete & asked for re-inspection. I passed by the house & saw between multiple external snags still not fixed (most of them were in the snagger's 1st inspection report).

Snagger advised me not to reinspect as foreman would treat this as "final snag" & would try to close.

What defines "final snag" per se? I assumed we could do as many snag inspections as needed until developer gets defects fixed.
Is there some online resource that explains the snagging process & how to best navigate it?
Foreman not responsive. Would prefer not to have to go down solicitor route just yet. What to do?
Call to the site with the physical snag-list and ask foreman to run through them with you and show you the "fixes". Mark those uncomplete as such. Then ask him for his boss's number and contact his boss saying you'd like to complete but his foreman is preventing this.
whatever you do, dont close until the snags are completed, they will give you the runaround if they can, so keep on it.
Thanks mathepac & Blacrock1, both good advice.
Seems like snagging is an unregulated 'process' per se with no clear guidelines for unwitting FTBs.