Snag list

Citizen Jake

Registered User
We're buying a newbuild home and have just had the surveyor compile a report. It's a very detailed report that runs for seven pages and outlines quite a number of faults ranging from paintwork, missing thermostats on radiators, insufficient insulation in attic to unfinished groundswork. The house purchase is due to close shortly but the builder's solicitor did say they will be in touch with a date for completion.

My question is really how do we ensure all these issues are dealt with sufficiently. Are the builders bound to follow the list to the letter before and after completion?
you should supply your builder and his solicitor with the snag list...

be prepared though, they won't do every single item. but and structutral or large stuff they should do.... you'll prob get about 2/3's of it done..

one tip - stay on the right side of the builder...
The house is covered under Homebond, would that guarantee me that unfinished work gets completed?

No. Homebond covers major structural defects only. As far as I know it would not cover any of the items you listed in your original post above.

Apple's right - it's unlikely that every last snag will be done. I could rant forever about the rights and wrongs of this but that wouldn't help you. You might be best to divide the list into "deal breakers" and "non-deal breakers" and dig your heels in only on the former.
Can anyone recommend a good company for snagging? I tried but person usually covering my area has just retired so they can't do it. My area is Leitrim / Roscommon.
Does anyone know, if a snag list is not completed to your satisfaction, are you entitled to pull out of the purchase?

Would you be eligible for a refund of your deposit, or is this different with each builder/contract?
Does anyone know, if a snag list is not completed to your satisfaction, are you entitled to pull out of the purchase?

Would you be eligible for a refund of your deposit, or is this different with each builder/contract?
My (laymans) understanding of it is that you could be held in breach of contract if you hold up the process due to non structural defects (or those that are deemed not to be 'major defects').

As regards getting your money back, i dont know but I would imagine only if the builder agreed to this. Otherwise, you'd surely lose your deposit?
Does anyone know, if a snag list is not completed to your satisfaction, are you entitled to pull out of the purchase?

Would you be eligible for a refund of your deposit, or is this different with each builder/contract?

You would not be in breech as there is a disagreement clause in the building contract. You would simply have to get an arbitrator to adudicate on the items in question. I have never heard of this ever happening before so dont know how it would work out. I think builder/purchaser always give in before this happens.
I regularly do snag lists (I get a perverse pleasure from doing nice, detailed ones in fact!) and I've never came across a snaglist yet that saw a purchaser or builder pull out of the sale. As suggested it's not worth getting bogged down on minor stuff like decoration and the like but significant stuff should be followed up. Any builder of quality will do his best to clear all "reasonable" snags. What's "reasonable"?- I remind purchasers that houses are not built in a factory enviornment, they're built in varying weather conditions by a multitude of trades and some of the more minor snags (like the scuffed paint and the chipped door) are better left of the list, focus on the big snags. Anything that is contrary to building regulations must be corrected or regularised- I will cite paragraph and diagrams from same in my snag lists when required.
I snagged my apartment 2 months ago and my builder has not addressed one item on the list yet. There is one particular item that is a 'deal breaker' for me. My snagger reckons that the builders are going to do their best to avoid doing it but advised that i stand my ground. Obviously i'll discuss it with my solicitor but does anyone know what my rights are? Is there a time frame within which the builder has to complete the snag list?