Snag list - issues with pvc windows


Registered User
Hi all,
I am currently in the process of snagging my house. I found that when I opened/closed one of the windows that, on closing, the window caught the guide plastic heavily and required a good pull to close. [I dont know the technical name to this piece of plastic. Its a tapered piece of platic that guides the window on closing to ensure the latches match up. Hope people can understand this]. I know that catching this guide to some extent is common, but this window was heavily cataching it. I put this down on the snag. What the builers did to fix it was rip out the plastic guide. Now the window closes perfectly but I am worried over time that as the window drops further, that there is no guide present and that this will cause issues down the line. As its one of those windows where the whole window opens out, it is probably heavy so I suspect that the hinges may ward slightly over time. Hence I expect some dropping over time. Any advice? Is this issue/builders solution common? Builders are cowboys so not sure how far to push this. I have other more critical things that need doing. To give an example, another windows frame is cracked and so far they have refused to replace it (filling the crack with poly filler instead!)! Stress levels growing by the day!
Thanks for reading this and any advice you might have.
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just to add to this (even it seems no one has any advice for me ) that the builders are still refusing to replace the cracked window. Instead the window crowd came out and removed the poly filler the builder had used and used their own filler instead. As I know nothing about this, I dont know if this is normal. The crack was in the frame near one of the corners. It ran across the thichness of the frame (about 3 inches) and was no more than 0.5mm in thickness.
Again, any advice?