Snag after buying..


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Snag after buying..


I bought an apartment in temple court in santry- everything is fine except
1) Water comes back from the flue outside and drips from the gas boiler!!
2) Water drips from the extractor hood on to the hob!

Any idea what maybe the cause- I think the gas flue needs a guard because water is dripping on to it.

Hard to get the developers to do anything about it- they are still on site but the guy there is pretty useless and keeps on fobbing me (and it appears, everybody else) off..

Would a solicitors letter be the best option before the developers scarper (which I think they may do)
Write a letter to the developer, outlining the problem and request that it be investigated within a defined timeframe (say 1 week), if you don't hear from them write to Homebond (presuming the development is Homebond registered). Homebond will (according to their blurb) investigate non structural defects within one year of purchase, where the developer is slow to respond in the first instance. Doesn't sound like a major problem anyway.
According to [broken link removed] Homebond covers:
What does Homebond cover?

HomeBond cover guarantees the house against:

" Major structural defects for ten years, which are defined as "any major defect in the foundations of a dwelling or the load bearing part of its floors, walls and roof or retaining walls necessary for its support which affects the structural stability of the dwelling".

" Major non-structural defects which might lead to smoke or water penetration of the completed home.
Would the problem here be considered a major non-structural defect?
ClubMan said:
According to [broken link removed] Homebond covers:

Would the problem here be considered a major non-structural defect?

Will it is water penetration into the apartment. Also surely improperly sealed gas flues/vents would be a worry!
The water you refer to is probably condensate (both extract hood and flue). Normally flues and extract pipework are laid to very slight falls to allow any moisture which condenses inside the pipe to drain away to the outside, harmlessly. Thus (without having seen this defect) I would opine that this is not a serious defect and should be relatively easy to remedy.