Snack odour grounds flight...

It says it was food a passenger had been eating. I think we might be talking about a different kind of Gas.

daltonr said:
It says it was food a passenger had been eating. I think we might be talking about a different kind of Gas.


Attention passengers we would like to inform you that we will shortly be going through some heavy flatulance......sorry turbulance please remain calm and stay in your seats with seatbelts securely fastened.
I note that the new chief executive of Aer Lingus mentioned after the above incident that "we have to start listening to our customers". A complaint made by me about delays to my flight back in March still not have been resolved. I sent a very specific letter to Aer Lingus but received a standard non specific reply. A further letter that I sent looking for specific answers still has not been responded to. Hot air or what....
"we have to start listening to our customers"

There's a hell of a lot of Listening going on lately.

FF realised they needed to start listening after the Local Elections.
New Labour realised they needed to start listening after the British Elections.
The French Government Realised they needed to start listen after the recent vote.

I'm sure the Dutch will realise pretty soon that they need to start listening.

Aer Lingus have now realised it too.

With all the money these people spend on advisers, why don't any of the advisers suggest Listening? Why are the results of Votes or Customer Revolts always such a surprise?

And you know what, after realising now that they need to start listening. They'll all realise the same thing in a year or two.

And we trust these people to fly us safely around the world and run our countries. Barmy!

ClubMan said:
Can anybody tell me what brand of snack sparked off this incident? What is the world coming to, eh?
The blame here lies with the pilot ,on return to Dublin he said he could not see what all the fuss was about ,all he did was to "open his sandwiches" (2 day old egg & onion ) that his ma made ,said he does not eat the pre packed rubbish they serve on board ,and then all hell broke loose !!!!!!!!
I presume you're taking the piss because the original report states that the odour was from food that a passenger was consuming.
Durian has the most disgusting odour ever. I've no idea how anyone can eat it.

Singapore Airlines have banned it from their planes and I'm sure other Asian airlines have too. It's also banned on the subway. I should think the only reason many western airlines haven't an explicit ban on it is that they haven't come across it.