SMTP settings for on 3 network

Ron J

Registered User
Hi all.

Recently purchased an iPhone4. Have set up my iol email on it and while I can receive emails I cannot send them. I know that the outgoing (smtp) server must be aligned to your network provider but I cannot find an smtp setting for 3 which will actually work. I have tried but that doesn't work. I have also tried, with no luck.

Has anyone any advice ??
i think you will find you cannot/will find it difficult to "send" mail from an o2 account or any other account over a competitors broadband network they get a bit shirty about this and try to prevent it. I eventually purchased an authorized smtp address as it became so annoying as i had a number of different email accounts and was a huge issue when travelling should work.

I consider this a very bad situation, where you can only send emails through one portal. If they have a problem it leaves you unable to send email at all, which is unacceptable.

Your provider has deliberately crippled your internet access, and yet it's allowed. I have several providers and have to change my email SMTP settings in order to sastify each one. That's not good enough. 3 are the worst as they insist that all emails are sent through their servers, .. that's terrible... a total bottleneck., and it does represent a deliberate crippling of the internet by Three, which isn't mentioned in any of Three's literture.
The best way of doing this is if you have your own domain or know of one you can use , like a work one etc.
eg admins would be able to give you the correct settings.
I find this great as it will work from any WiFi connection also,