Smoking in cars

hear hear. facists the whole lot of them

Indeed. When Matt Cooper asked Ash that day on the radio what they thought about banning it in homes their reply was no - as it would not be enforceable! Now if it was enforceable.....! The safety issue they brought up was nothing other than a feeble attempt to bolster their insane visions.

It's a step up from 'normal' anti smokers who, when they got their way and got clean air in the workplace, moaned on and on about the few minutes a day we smokers popped out for a smoke. Incidently, there was a survey (well there always is isin't there) that said smokers who spent 6 minutes an hour on the doss smoking built the whole thing into their routine at work - to the extent that they just worked harder for the other 54 minutes to get the same work done! So there!

A man after my own heart

The indisputable fact is that non-smokers don't work any longer than smokers who take fag-breaks, because the non-smokers spend the entire break whinging and moaning about the injustice of it all. And then when the smokers return and get back to work, the non-smokers sit there and seethe silently before emailing ASH and posting on Askaboutmoney to complain about it all. So, in fact, smokers work longer hours. Therefore, I am starting a campaign for non-smokers to be paid less. Join up here.
Apart from restaurants, pubs, cinemas and most public places where else would you like to see smoking banned?

Anywhere that it impinges on me, e.g. Luas platforms, streets/pavements, outside of buildings (e.g. the phalanx of smokers clogging up the steps of Holles St hospital) etc. One possible benefit of banning smoking in cars would be the elimination of butts being dumped out of car windows, but I guess it is probably still unenforceable.
One possible benefit of banning smoking in cars would be the elimination of butts being dumped out of car windows, but I guess it is probably still unenforceable.

Oh, I'm not sure. The Gardai have so little to do these days I'm sure they'd be happy to chase smoking car drivers across the countryside. And up and down the M50.
Isn't car smoke supposed to be a carcinogen. Does that mean that at some stage in the future a law will be passed where people must turn off their engines everytime they come close to someone !!!

Looking forward to seeing all those non smokers pushing their cars to work and trying to pat themselves on the back while pushing.

(Ex Smoker who hasn't turned into an ASH head)
Looking forward to seeing all those non smokers pushing their cars to work and trying to pat themselves on the back while pushing.
Just FYI, not everyone drives to work. Some cycle (as I do 4 days per week) or use the Luas or the bus or the train or.......
Anywhere that it impinges on me, e.g. Luas platforms, streets/pavements, outside of buildings (e.g. the phalanx of smokers clogging up the steps of Holles St hospital) etc.

Are u sure it's not just the act of smoking near you that annoys you? Because you just think it's a filthy habit? Or do you consider walking through a little smoke in the open air a threat to your health?
Are u sure it's not just the act of smoking near you that annoys you? Because you just think it's a filthy habit? Or do you consider walking through a little smoke in the open air a threat to your health?

I agree with RainyDay. People can smoke wherever they want, as long as it doesnt affect public places/kids. If I'm walking down the street or in a park etc enjoying the fresh air, the last thing I want is to be engulfed in, and get a lung-full of, smoke. And its not just one lung-full - every time you pass a smoker, its the same. And if you are in a queue downwind of a smoker, your hair and clothes get smelly from the smoke.
Are u sure it's not just the act of smoking near you that annoys you? Because you just think it's a filthy habit? Or do you consider walking through a little smoke in the open air a threat to your health?

Yep - I'm sure it is the smoke itself and/or the butts that bother me, not the act of smoking. Smoking in ATM queues is another bone of contention.
Yep - I'm sure it is the smoke itself and/or the butts that bother me, not the act of smoking. Smoking in ATM queues is another bone of contention.

The smoke itself, the butts, the puffin' in ATM queues............Rainyday, I fear you are displaying ASH symptoms. But I have good news - these symptoms (eg a tendency to set out to be irritated) can be easily cured, all you need to do is: chill. Failing that either (a) love your fellow filthy habit brothers/sisters or (b) wear a gas mask. (INSERT SMILEY THINGIE HERE - CAN NO LONGER DO IT SINCE THIS SITE FIDDLED WITH ITSELF, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
And contribute more to alleviating the pensions crisis, by conveniently popping their clogs at a younger age?

But not before more than paying for our medical care through the cigarette taxes we pay the Government. In fact, me suspects we smokers fund the entire health service. Hence Mr Cowan's reluctance to price us out of buying our ciggies. (INSERT SMILEY THINGIE HERE - CAN NO LONGER DO IT SINCE THIS SITE FIDDLED WITH ITSELF, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
Im interested in the use of the expression "filthy habit"? Am I wrong or is it almost exclusively smokers that use the expression?

You're categorically not wrong. Although I will add: most virulent anti-smokers I know have the filthy habit of (a) being far more interested in others' private lives than is healthy, (b) being incapable of chillin' (c) being so anal, as the modrin lingo puts it, that they've long since forgotten how to enjoy themselves. And they all look miserable and world-weary.

They focus in on others' shortcomings - eg smokin' and drinkin' and laughin' - because, havin' stuck rigidly to 'The Guide to Living a Clean, Good and Healthy Life' they realise their lives are actually intensely dull. And the gang who leave the pub every 10 minutes for a fag are the ones who are having fun.

Yes, these anal people might (stress: MIGHT) live longer, but their bonus 10 years or so will be spent in a home, the highlight of their day watching Countdown. Oh yes, we all want that. Quantity, not quality, that's we're after. Is't it?

They nibble on sunflower seeds, we have a fag. They whinge incessantly about filthy habits, we just enjoy the filth and get on with it.

And they hold mobile phones to their ears and suck in the fumes from their SUVs. And they wonder why not enough smokers die as early as them?

As the seminal Frankie Goes to Hollywood tried to tell you: Relax.

Eh Bushfire, don't you think your post is a little anal and whingy?
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Eh Bushfire, don't you think your post is a little anal and whingy?

Dunno Vanilla, it sounded quite factual to me. I have mates that are far more bothered about my smoking habit than I am. It stresses them out how bad it is for my health. They would want to be careful!