smoking ban

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Registered User
i started a thread last night about the smoking ban. i would like to thank everyone for replying but i dont think people understood exactly what i was getting at. i wasnt really discussing the merits and de-merits of the smoking ban. i was really looking for peoples opinions on are we becoming a nanny state? is imposing a blanket smoking ban not infringing on our civil liberties?
A lot of laws impose on individual rights in the common good - speed limits for instance.
Why do you think that this particular instance of the common good prevailing over an individuals right is inacceptable ?

I know of very few people, smokers and non-smokers alike, who dont agree that the advantages of the ban outweigh the inconvience to the minority.

There are other examples of where the Irish state is not nanny enough - the first example that comes to mind is making sure that buildings are high quality.
This is a Letting Off Steam thread, not a Miscellaneous Non-Financial Question.

viztopia-please refrain from starting threads such as this until you can post in Letting Off Steam.

I have locked this thread. If anyone wants to continue the dicussion, please start a thread in Letting Off Steam. viztopia-you are welcome to post in Letting Off Steam when you meet the criteria for doing so.
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