Smoking and Court


Registered User
I'm an ex-smoker. I gave them up after many attempts aboout 9 years ago. I now have all the fervor of a reformed smoker and hate everything aboout them. I was delighted when the smoking ban came in.

When I was smoking, after about an hour without a fag, I used to get restless, lose my concentration, become irritable and unreasonable etc.

I often wonder about members of a jury who are hearing a serious case. If the jury member is a heavy smoker in a stressful situation and he is not allowed smoke for maybe up to 4 hours at a time, how will he manage to concentrate and sit in judgement, if all he can think about is when can he get his next fix.

I can honestly say that I wouldn't like this person trying me.

Not all smokers react like this. Plenty of people sit in cinemas (2 hours) flights (~5hrs) and just accept the deprivation. If there's no opportunity (can't exactly nip out to the wing of a plane), it's all you can do.
I've never used them myself, but I'd imagine nicotine patches/gum/inhalers would get most smokers through a few hours of deprivation.

Anyway, I thought we all wanted to 'get tough' on crime...?
I think there was no smoking in the jury room when I was on a case a few years ago but perhaps I was very fortunate and none of the other jurors were smokers.