Smelly colleague

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If there is a very smelly person (brings tears to the eyes) in a work place, is there a way to force them to wash themselves and their cloths. Numerous hints have been passed, some not so subtle, but all ignored. Can I force this pig to wash?
Re: Smelly collegue

In my first place of employment we had a problem with the receptionist who had been there years and was regarded as indispensible. She stank to high heaven (don't think she had a proper washing machine for her clothes) and wore the same clothes day in day out. But the management weren't prepared to do anything about it...that is until she got married, they bought her a washer/ drier! And hey presto the smell diappeared! Phew, so what should you do? Is this person close to anyone else in the office (not likely:D )? could they broach the subject in a sensitive manner?? Chances are this person is oblivious and a firm but gentle/ sensitive indication of there being a "personal" problem might do the trick.
Re: Smelly collegue

Have you tried leaving a bar of soap at his/her work place/desk?
Re: Smelly collegue

The chap has been old there is a smell from him but he just shrugs his shoulders. He is a very lazy guy by nature. I am looking for some enforecement procedures, we have done all the softly softly stuff.
Re: Smelly collegue

Are there any extenuating medical psychological circumstances that might explain matters?
Re: Smelly collegue

ClubMan said:
Are there any extenuating medical psychological circumstances that might explain matters?

No, purely a hygiene thing, some days he comes in looking like he had a shower & with no smell for a day or so, but then.............
would be ideal (polite but direct - not just hinting). Unfortuntely, I'm not sure the service is still running... the actual site seems to just have a load of sponsored links. However, I'm sure you could compose a letter/email along the lines of the sample in the link (for BO rather than nose-picking) and send it anonymously yourself.
oh I feel for you, I worked some years ago with a girl who had awful BO,:eek: and we worked in a bank .. management ignored staff complaints until customers started to complain..!!!:rolleyes: .. if its really is that bad and upsetting colleagues then it is a HR issue.....!!!!!!!
BlueSpud said:
This is a small company, 3 people, and I am HR.................................

You stop washing for a week or 2 and when he complains about you smelling tell him you'll wash when he does!
damson said:
would be ideal (polite but direct - not just hinting). Unfortuntely, I'm not sure the service is still running... the actual site seems to just have a load of sponsored links. However, I'm sure you could compose a letter/email along the lines of the sample in the link (for BO rather than nose-picking) and send it anonymously yourself.

As you say, site just seems to be sponsored links. BTW, nose-picking is another trick of his, as is faltulence. A real pearl.

Still wondering about legislation/labour laws etc.

If the company's so small, maybe you could send a letter to his home address - that way it could come from anyone who knows him, not necessarily a work colleague.
I'd still be inclined to adapt the text of the sample in the previous link...
Sample Letter

October 9, ____

You have a friend that respects you and cares about your well-being. This friend wants to bring your attention to your habit of picking your nose in public. Your friend wants you to know that there is no malicious intent in sending this letter - just a sincere desire to help you with a problem about which you may be unaware. Many of us feel unable to bring up this subject face to face because we are not willing to risk embarrassing our friend, nor are we willing to risk a valuable relationship. As a neutral party, CoWorkerHints has been asked to kindly intervene. Please read further.

During a recent survey, over 90% of the respondents admitted to picking their nose. So, it is not an uncommon practice. However, it is one that needs to be done in private.

In the workplace, just as in our cars or on trains, subways, and buses, folks often feel that no one is watching them, and so they begin to clean their nasal passages. Usually, someone is looking. And the one looking is feeling discomfort and embarrassment. At work, this habit is distracting and can cause stress for those co-workers who have to witness it on a regular basis.

Unclean fingers in the nose can cause problems. Nose picking, on the one hand, could result in a cold or other sinus and respiratory discomforts. Germs on the fingers can be transferred to the body by putting them into the nose. On the other hand, if a fingernail cuts the membrane inside the nose - even a microscopic prick - a serious, even deadly, infection could result.

It is best to use a tissue to clean nasal passages. To make it less likely to have to pick one's nose in public, one should use a tissue each morning - and as often as necessary, but always in private - to gently clean the nostrils.

On behalf of your friend, I wish you much future success.


Carole Shepard
podgerodge said:
You stop washing for a week or 2 and when he complains about you smelling tell him you'll wash when he does!

If I thought I had a 1% chance, I would do it.
You could keep a can of Haze in your desk and, every time he approaches, spray little squirts around the place while ostentatiously holding your arm across your nose and feigning suffocation..? :)
Think Dr M has a solution there...added to that, splash out on as may nice smelling things as you can....burn incense sticks, scented candles, oils etc & place everywhere..that should solve 2 of the 3 problems there ie his armpits & his This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language.

AS for the nose picking then you may need to be more direct ie. refuse to handle something that he has passed to you as you can say that you saw him stick his fist up his nose. If he questions it then state that it poses as a hygene problem & while on the subject then state that you find it rather offputting & would rather that he exercise some discretion in future. Make a firm point of it..if he shrugs it off or laughs it off then check hiom on it there & then ...say that you mean it.

DrMoriarty said:
You could keep a can of Haze in your desk and, every time he approaches, spray little squirts around the place while ostentatiously holding your arm across your nose and feigning suffocation..? :)

Dr M, I think I can run with this, thanks.

ninsaga said:
AS for the nose picking then you may need to be more direct ie. refuse to handle something that he has passed to you as you can say that you saw him stick his fist up his nose.

and this idea, thanks.

One other point, he is not very approachable, he throws the toys out of the pram at the drop of the hat.
The spray can and refusing to handle something may well be construed as bullying and harrassment.

If hints have already been dropped and failed; then your only recourse is to treat this as a performance issue (and it is, if his behaviour - failing to wash - is causing problems in the work place).

You should have a disciplinary policy in place already (if not, draft one up now and have it approved). At the next performance review; formally mention the hygiene issue, tell him he must improve and you will review with him in one month's time and follow through as you would with any other performance issue.

On a final point however, it is important to be aware of senstivities and cultural differences (if any). Working in London many years ago; I had something similar said to me - I was somewhat taken aback I have to say! - but when I was taking 2 showers a day (with a wash at lunchtime - it was nearly getting to an OCD!) and a complaint was made yet again I came to the conclusion that the complainer was racist rather than realistic and left the company. I've never had that issue since (thank Heavens!).
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