Smell of fish in house


Registered User
Need to get rid of smell of fish, the wife last night was boiling some fish bones for stock,she fell asleep and I woke to the sound of the smoke alarm , the whole downstairs was full of smoke so open all windows and door , this was about 2 am or so, but the smell is still here is their a quick fix, thanks
Try leaving a raw onion (cut in half) about. I'm not sure about fish smells but I know that the onion absorbs some that's the wife's Xmas present put on hold! :D
Another way is to boil lemons in a pot of water & spray loads of Fabreez on the curtains & carpets.
Take a large orange, pierce it with cloves and put it in the oven - most beautiful Christmassy smell....:)
try burning scented oils, but make sure you have good quality ones, in a proper burner. Something like leomngrass or even the heavier lavender. The onion is a great trick as well. If all fails, you can try one of the chemical spray thingies such as neutradol spray. however, that shoudl be a last resort.

how about leaving windows open throughout the house whilst all are at mass, save one to remain on guard. Still, I suppose even robbers would be on hols tomorrow
Time is all that will erode the smell...all other remedies will only hide the underlying smell `till it eventually fades.
Just be careful thinking that Ravima - my home was robbed Christmas day last year - some people never take a holiday!