Smashed windows - rocks thrown

Hi Tarquin,

Very upsetting to say the least. What advice have the guards given in general? Are they aware if the previous neighbours had any run-ins/problems with these people?

If the windows are very exposed would it be best to get venetian blinds or net curtains (great for privacy). She could also consider leaving a few lights on behind closed curtains when she goes out.

The most important thing is not to let herself get too annoyed to the extent that she would confront them. From experience they are only causing trouble and looking for attention and will progress on elsewhere if they are ignored which was also advice given to us in the past by the guards.

Hope things work out for her.
Yes, tell her not to worry. Sometimes youth (I was young once) are just looking to do something brave or even get chased. I would not worry about it too much. There must be a lack of glass bus shelters in her area as these seem to be staple diet of these thugs.
if she is not home but wants to show some activity in her home then she can put the lights on a timer which will deter such activity.also tell her to get some privacy as in blinds etc hedges around the wall etc.
If she has a PC or laptop she could have a cheap surveillance system by having a USB camera looking out the window of one of the upstairs rooms or for a bit extra have a wireless USB camera in a more visible spot.
Tarquin said:
This is probably a stupid question but is there anything she can plant directly in front of the window that is already grown or won't take long to grow? She went to a garden centre and tried to explain what she was looking for but the opinion she got is that it will take time to grow anything. Im no gardener myself so I couldnt help with this.

Personally don't think that sowing mature stuff would necessarily solve her problem and there may also be issues with reduced daylight coming in to her house. However if that is the route she intends to follow she might consider some of the mature trees on sale in here or . I have no experience of either supplier.