Small things that make you happy

Getting a wave from a fellow biker when I'm on the road - a time-honoured tradition!
When the cat decides to curl up on my lap
Coffee (thanks Vanilla!) and chocolate....yum!

Candidate for Post of the Week, Mel!

1. Lying in bed at night with the rain hopping off the Velux window overhead.

2. The first sup (sip) of the first pint of Beamish.

3. Holing a long putt.

4. Seeing people, especially friends, doing well in life.

5. Meeting old friends I haven't seen in years.

6. Starting a tread on AAM and getting good responses.

7. Going on a long drive, on my own, with The Ramones or Status Quo blaring, and no one giving me weird looks.

8. Beach walking.

9. Raquel Welch. (I know she doesn't quite conform to the thread title, but what the hell!).

10. A pair of ox blood Doc's.
Waking up a 2 or 3 hours before the alarm goes off, wrapping the duvet tighter knowing it's at least a couple of hours before you have to get up


But what's even better, is scurrying back to bed from the bathroom in the middle of the night, and that feeling the second you pull the duvet back over you.


But what's even better, is scurrying back to bed from the bathroom in the middle of the night, and that feeling the second you pull the duvet back over you.


Oh yes indeed....but I just hate that feeling of knowing I have to get out of bed in the first place!
My wife is convinced he said it already.......but i haven't heard it !

Oh and might i add to that a run, 3k, 5k, 10k.........just finishing it and knowing the training has been worthwhile.
Thurles on a Summer's Sunday. Doesn't matter who's playing.
A long drive and the iPod on shuffle.
The local where you nod and they know what you mean.
Sitting at a kitchen table while slagging the hell out of my best friends and getting twice as much back.
Coffee, the Sunday Times and nothing to do...
An early morning walk along Lahinch beach.
An afternoon cycle in the country.
Thomond Park when the the tribal roars get shushed for one moment and 26,000 stand in silence. Makes me smile every time.
Music, children, sitting on the couch with de missus on those oh to rare occasions we get the tots to sleep early enough to enjoy a film on de telly!

Oh thats a good one.........
Might i add this sunday, my wife and son, a warm fire and a National Lampoons Christmas vacation on the tv.
An unexpected interaction with a strange dog where affection is given by both of us.

An interaction with a known dog where he/she is so excited and happy to see me that he/she turns into a quivering mass of screamy joy, followed by a flop to the ground for full belly rubbing.

Hiding a surprise for my husband somewhere in the house and acting all innocent when he finds it and insisting that it must have gotten there by accident.

Getting out of a too hot bath, feeling a bit weak and dizzy and lying on cool new sheets.

Clean sheets.

A horrible cold cycle to work where I see something wonderful like a beautiful sunrise or a touching scene between a couple of random strangers enroute.

An accidental view of a lovely human interaction, like driving past and seeing a child and parent greet joyfully.
- A nice read at a nice coffee shop
- Polite behaviours
- When I cook well (sometimes I eat before cooking when I am too hungry, not good)