Small things that make you happy


Registered User
As much as I love reading the pet hates thread how about a thread on those small everyday things that bring a smile to your face?

Waking up a 2 or 3 hours before the alarm goes off, wrapping the duvet tighter knowing it's at least a couple of hours before you have to get up

Hearing 3 year olds giggling

Taking your shoes off after a long walk

Unexpectedly finding a €20 note in your coat pocket
- Good customer service
- Listening to a favourite album not listened to for awhile
- Hot whiskeys when the rain is hitting the windows horizontally
- A good book, a glass of wine and nowhere I have to be and nothing I have to do.
- Having my nephews to stay.
- My nephews being in bed asleep when they come to stay.
A great book or movie
Nice weather
A good meal - especially if I've cooked it myself
The first mouthful of beer in a hot day after work
Music that's so good it gives you the shivers
Nature in general
A roaring fire in winter
Cat/dog behaviour
- A walk on the Wicklow Way and a flask of tea and sambo at the break.
- Money for value gigs in Whelans.
- Reading a good book with a glass of red in the wee small hours when the kids are asleep and the house quiet.
- One pint of Guinness in a real Dublin pub, poured properly, on a Friday evening after work.
- Watching Larry David in Unreasonable Behaviour.... And scarily empathising with him!
- Watching my lads playing football on Saturdays.
A great book or movie
Nice weather
A good meal - especially if I've cooked it myself
The first mouthful of beer in a hot day after work
Music that's so good it gives you the shivers
Nature in general
A roaring fire in winter
Cat/dog behaviour

I hope that list isn't in order of preference
A good meal- especially if i haven't cooked it myself.
Friday evenings
Having a full day to get some hosework done
having a few hours to get my car gleaming
watching my chickens bullying my cats.
collecting eggs
Picking blackberries, mushrooms, flowers
being in bed (under the velux window) when there's a storm.
receiving genuine appreciation from customers
the smell of flowers
lighting the fire
being able to drop off to sleep quickly (doesn't happen very often.)
after eights and toblerone chocolate
earl grey tea
toast with real butter and marmalade

there are so many. Thanks for starting this thread, i had forgotten how many little things there are that make me happy.
Can't believe no-one has mentioned coffee yet. The great love of my life, the first thing I think of in the morning, the myriad of different preparations, the countless variations of beans/brew/additions. Coffee, I salute you. My life would be so much poorer without it.
The taste of my 2 great loves in the alcohol world:

1) A proper pint of Guinness, thick and creamy not like the stuff you get at Stansted airport.

2) Jameson with loads of ice and a dash of white.

Seeing an elderly couple holding hands as they walk.
The night sky.
Knowing that the birds are watching me as I fill the bird feeder.
Having a coffee as I drive along.
Waking up on a Saturday morning and thinking it was a Friday (happened to me this morning!)
A nice cup of coffee while having a good chat with friends.
A good book.
Believe it or not, just being Irish also does it for me.

I have been amazed on my travels round the world how much you are welcomed.
- a tidy house
- plants growing (not dying!) when i've planted them
- cuddling on the couch under blankie with my son and my cat
- a real fire
- coffee, coffee, coffee
- waking around 5 and realising it's not morning yet, then snuggling back down for a couple of hours
- long hot showers
- lying in the sun
- having friends over for food, wine, laughs
- knowing i have a good education behind me
- a walk in the rain knowing that the hot showre and fire are waiting at home
- candles
- surfing (badly)

I could go on. Life is good

How could i forget?? Being from CORK!!
Seeing our rescue dog playing happily with the kids and watching the local feral cat rolling on the shed floor before she's fed.
I love to surf too,
Guitar playing

A little thing that makes me happy is when i am driving and listening to a song on the radio, it always makes me smile when I pass other motorist that are mouthing the words to the same song.

Another small thing is when you smile at someone and they smile back.
A little thing that makes me happy is when i am driving and listening to a song on the radio, it always makes me smile when I pass other motorist that are mouthing the words to the same song.


Love it - don't know why!