Small hole on radiator front - leaking


Registered User
I am wondering if anyone can give advice on this. I noticed this morning a small leak on one of our radiators. I turned off the valve to stop the leakage. My question is do I need to replace the radiator or can I get some form of resin or adhesive to block up this pin-prick hole?

We had a dart hit one of the rads in our parish hall which left a pin hole ... the plumber had to replace the rad ... he didn't know of any filler that was suitable to use with heat.
Hi - if you have a small leak on the front of the radiator, it may be an indicator of more serious issues with your system - such as the type of water in your area causing corrosion, may be rust in the system causing blockages etc. Best to get a plumber to look at it - particularly if the bottoms of all of your radiators are cool in the middle/bottom, not the top (which would be air in them, and needing bleeding).

Cool at the bottom, while hot at the top means sediment of some sort has built up.

I had an issue with a leak in a pipe under the concrete floor, 2 "bubbles" on rads, and rust on another when I bought our house. I knew there was an issue with the whole system and factored it into the cost of buying. Had to ulimately replace all 14 rads, the boiler, burner and header tank...

The moral of this is, any doubt, get it checked out NOW, not when it starts springing expensive holes around the house.