Small Claims Court Ruling


New Member
A claim was recently awarded in my favour in the SCC.
Anyone know what happens next?
Do I need to do anything or does the Registrar contact the respondent for payment?
I've tried emailing and phoning the SCC office but no response!
Thank you.
Firstly, IANAL, just had some experience with this so open to correction.

If the respondent does not comply with the ruling the matter will be moved to the relevant sheriff for the court, you will be notified that this will happen through post and will have to pay a small deposit to the sheriff.

The court itself at that point will no longer be involved and you will deal directly with the sheriff.

There is some documentation on the sheriff online, but they have enforcement powers and it is usually best for the other party to engage with the sheriff.

Hopefully it doesn't come to all that.
Thanks for the replies. The SCC replied to say they had contacted the respondent for payment.