small book of knowlegde/facts

little Q

Registered User
Hi Folks,
I'm looking for a book that is a brief history/explanation of everything... but which is in a short, snappy format... perfect for say reading in the bathroom!

Any suggestions? Encyclopedias too heavy... bill bryson book the chapters are too lengthy... and a quiz book doesn't have enough info !!!

Thanks !
Hi Folks,
I'm looking for a book that is a brief history/explanation of everything... but which is in a short, snappy format... perfect for say reading in the bathroom!

Any suggestions? Encyclopedias too heavy... bill bryson book the chapters are too lengthy... and a quiz book doesn't have enough info !!!

Thanks !
I would recommend . It is full of the most wonderfully random information, and it quite small. From a quick glance at the Eason's website, as well as the original one (linked above), there is a , a , a , and a . If the other books follow the format of the original, there will be snippets of information, about half a page to a page each, in no particular order, so they'd be ideal for picking up for a few minutes to flick through.