Small 10 person business planning 25th celebration - Ideas Please!


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I'm planning a 25 years in Ireland celebration for our business. Service business with corporate clients. I'm keen to get a number of good ideas, preferably that others have organised or been at. Budget up to €10k - but need to watch costs.

Suggestions & experiences please.
I've got a few great suggestions if you don't mind your thread being moved to letting off steam...;)

See 'Brightening up a Home Office' for more details.
I don't mind where it's moved to but I do need some constructive and clever suggestions.
Do you have any ideas about what you want? Do you want a year/month/week long lead in to a specific event or weekend or week? Do you want to entertain just staff or is it clients as well? Where in the country are you based?

I'm very uncommercial so have zero interest in any corporate outing but some people seem to like the idea of golf/football/sailing( Jeannie Johnson?) outings with business colleagues ( yech!!!) or weekends away.

One of the best most memorable outings I have ever been on was a trip to Portsmouth (?) for a private dinner on HMS Warrior to celebrate a 25th wedding anniversary. We were piped on board, there was a string quartet, champagne and canapes ( or dead things on toast as a friend says) a fascinating tour of the ship and then dinner for 25 in the Wardroom. At dinner, after every course, the men moved two places to the left which meant that everyone got to talk to each other.

It still brings a smile to my face when I think about it. And I have no idea how much it cost.

start with Lunch in the pub, followed by a visit to an outdoor go-cart racing circut. Book a hotel room to shower and change and into the bar for "before" dinner drinks. Then have a lovely evening dinner in your fav. haunt. Taxi everyone home. and that €9,995
coffee next morning with the €5 change
Are you just inviting staff or are clients getting to go as well. If so what do you think the staff will think of having to go out with the clients for a night, maybe they see enough of them all week. Have you asked the staff what they want. Tell them your budget as well so ye are all on the same wave lenght. No point wasting 10k if the staff would be happier at home watching the late late.
I can tell you what your staff want.... a slice of birthday cake and €9995 bonus...
If it is just staff, and you are somewhere near a greyhound track, take them all out for dinner and the dogs - a previous company I worked for did this to celebrate 10 years in business.
It was Galway greyhound stadium we went to, and I have to say the dinner was excellent. Nowhere near the 10k mark, it was 40e a head but it was certainly one of the more memorable nights out.
Give staff a bonus with the remainder?
Thanks for the suggestions so far. Some interesting ideas.
To clarify, I would like to invite clients and staff.

Keep coming please with other memorable events or clever ideas.
