Slowness (or lack?) of Gardai response to respond to break-in

No, I just think that owners of vacant investment properties should pay professional private security companies for protecting their investment just like any other business really.

So Taxi Drivers should hire security to protect their car when off duty? I don't think this particular landlord was asking too much to expect a response within say 24hrs.
I was at a match in Newbridge on Friday night, Kildare County v Leyton Orient in a friendly, can't have been more then 250 people at the game, 6 Gardai turned up, including 2 cars from the traffic corp. The Guards spent the match leaning up against the fence behind the goal and drove straight out the gate as soon as the final whistle blew.

I was then in Carlow on Saturday at the Kildare/Dublin minor match, good crowd, around 4000 in DCP, gardai on duty directing traffic etc aftereards. However, I'd love to know what the Gardai from the traffic corp was doing with his motor bike parked on the terrace for the entire game.?

I know this is slightly off topic but it's no wonder there are no Gardai around when you call them if they spend their time wandering off watching matches

Gardai inside the grounds of GAA pitches during a match are paid by the GAA, not by the state. They're also generally rostered on specially for the match so their unit is not short staffed during the match. In the same way, Gardai escorting cash-in-transit vans are paid for by the banks, not by the state.
Y'all need to move to Wicklow - the response for any kind of incident is much faster.

Neighbour recently had a gardener come to cut hedges. He decided to trim the top of a hedge, which is on other neighbour's side of the fence, but grows into first neighbour's garden.

2nd neighbour called the Guards and they were up with 15 minutes to admonish the neighbour for 'causing damage to her neighbour's property'.

Another incident recently also involving two neighbours. Neighbour's dogs were barking at 2am and husband next door who had to get up at 6am to go to work, couldn't sleep. His wife went next door and rang the intercom/bell on their locked front gate and couldn't get an answer. She then held the bell until they woke up. They called the guards who came immediately and were threatening to charge her with harassment. They came up the following day as well.

Hats off to the Wicklow Guards for their quick response, but I don't think they shouldn't respond to such trivial matters.
In reply to a Poster's enquiry, the house was vacant for three days before it was broken into.

My call to AGS registered it as a break-in and no formal statement was required - I discovered this when I went in to make a statement/complaint.

The first call by the neighbours didn't merit a response, (or recording of the break-in by AGS) as they weren't living there - I was told that there was no identifiable victim at that time !

I discovered, when I went to look at the house that the attic was disturbed and one bottom-drawer from a chest of drawers - that, and loads of cigarette butts everywhere. We surmised that when they were being evicted under close supervision that they couldn't get their stash out and had to re-enter the house to get it.
AGS advised us that yes, these individuals were known in that trade and no, AGS couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it.

Truth be told - once I knew they had a specific purpose (their stash) and were very unlikely to be back with mindless vandalism in mind, I washed my hands off it all - let AGS (and society) deal with those boys another time. Heartless ? Yes - but I wish they were dealt with properly by AGS.
So Taxi Drivers should hire security to protect their car when off duty? I don't think this particular landlord was asking too much to expect a response within say 24hrs.

and of course what about people with holiday homes should they get private security for their 2nd homes.