Slowness (or lack?) of Gardai response to respond to break-in


Registered User
A long story cut short from a very sizeable Leinster town;

Last week previous tenants agreed to leave* but not without rancour and aggro e.g. threatening to beat up middle-man etc.

I changed the locks the following day.

Mon/Tues 03.00 - the neighbours of my semi-d were awoken by my door (of the vacant house) being kicked in. They rang the cops who refused to come despite the noise/party as they hadn't received a complaint from the residents (there were none) or the landlord (!?).

Thurs 17.00 - by chance a friend drove by the house and discovered the front door wide-open and rang me. The neighbours (who hadn't my number) rushed out to tell my buddy of the break-in.

18.30 (say) - I rang the cops who said they were still too busy to come out to the house at any stage that evening (remember, this is a large provincial town). After reminding them that they couldn't go out for a break-in and now couldn't come out to investigate, they said they would try to send a car around - I said we'd be there at 20.00; he immediately tried to get me to agree to call into the station. I pointed out that they couldn't see the damages an din any case I couldn't be there - it would have been my middle-man who was doing me a big favour by driving to the town to re-change the locks. He then tried to negotiate a time of between 20.00 and 21.00 for the cops to call by. I, exasperated at this stage and rather foolishly, agreed to a time of between 20.00 and 21.00.

We left at 21.30 with no sign of any cops.

This is not cutbacks - this is a lack of regard by An Garda Siochana. The guy admitted that not much can be done even though we know who the culprits are - and I do accept that, I do - but a visit by the cops to the guys (they're aged between 21 and 23) could discourage them from visiting the house again this weekend.

As it stands, I will be there every night this weekend. They will be turning up as they left a backdoor surrepitiously unlocked to regain entry.

*i wouldn't pursue them for damages, unpaid rent if they left quietly without fuss
Can I clarify that on Mon/Tues night when they broke in that they had a party in the house? It might depend on what the neighbours said on the phone ie that there was a party or a lot of noise going on next door and that they were people not welcome in the house. In this instance they may be a need for the owner to report same. For what happened on Thurs it is not really excusable but it may be a case that they had crimes to investigate that were actually happening. They would see it that it is nearly over 48hrs since it occurred so it's not as important in the here and now. It may be a case that they had called in the interim period but there was no one there. I would write a
letter to the local Superintendent expressing your concerns and also give your neighbours your number for future reference.
The neighbours reported the door of the vacant house adjoining theirs being broken in by three kicks.

The cops yesterday said that they were a bit under pressure at that time (circa 18.00) but I said that I'd have someone there for 20.00. He immediately tried to barter with me - getting the handy-man/middleman to call to the Station to make the complaint (!), then tried to say between 20.00 and 21.00 to which I agreed.

My guy didn't leave the house, as the door took that long to put right until 21.30. Also, the cops had taken both my number and the handyman's phone number but neither was rung to let us know that they weren't coming.
Which times? The Mon/Tues 03.00 one ? Or the period between 20.00 and 21.30 yesterday evening, in a large provincial town ? It doesn't really wash ... ... as yet, i've received no phone-calls either from them ...

We all know that making a complaint won't serve much use - but surely they're not meant to suggest this too ? (As the guy did; I suggested that I needed it for insurance purposes but also that a friendly visit/word by the cops to the guys may prevent a much more frightening scenario some other time)

As it stands, we're pretty sure they're going to be abck tonight or tomorrow night - I can't leave my property unattended.
You are not going to recieve any calls. Ring them again.
I called the police before when I work up hearing people downstairs in the process of breaking in.
Two and a half hours later they rang the doorbell and asked if the people were still there.

The station is a 4-6 minute drive away.
Purple, do you realise that your issue might not have been the only issue to be dealt with at that time? It is not possible to provide 5 minutes reponses to every call the gardai get.
Carlow would be a large enough town. 2 weeks ago on a Friday night, there were 2 serious arson attacks in the town, according to the local paper there were 3 Gardai on duty in the town on the Friday night in question. Given what weekend nights in most towns are like these days, that's a figure I find astonishing.
Purple, do you realise that your issue might not have been the only issue to be dealt with at that time? It is not possible to provide 5 minutes reponses to every call the gardai get.

2.5 hours to respond to a situation where people were being threatened by burglars in their own home? …There’s not that much going on where I live.
Anyway, I sorted things out myself. Next time I’ll do the same then call the police.
Purple, do you realise that your issue might not have been the only issue to be dealt with at that time? It is not possible to provide 5 minutes reponses to every call the gardai get.

What?? someone breaks into the mans home with his many kids asleep, that should be very high on the call list. If Purple defended his home and famliy his freedom would be at risk. AGS are little more than a joke, the only time the public interact with them is when they jump from behind a hedge in a soft speed trap area.
I called the police before when I work up hearing people downstairs in the process of breaking in.
Two and a half hours later they rang the doorbell and asked if the people were still there.

The station is a 4-6 minute drive away.

I was in an identical situation 4 years ago, (in a Dublin suburb). The Gardai responded in less than 4 minutes and made 2 arrests. I was very impresessed with their speed and efficency.
Hi Setanta,

Why do you not pay a private security company to protect your vacant investment property?

Hi Setanta,

Why do you not pay a private security company to protect your vacant investment property?


Why do we pay taxes?

It is my view that the AGS are a waste of money too.

I know a guy who got attacked down in Dun Laoghaire by a gang he called the AGS.

They appeared 3 hours later so he asked what the story was.

He was told that a man was reported to have molested a child and a large gang came out of the pub (Cherrios) and someone said the man had a bag so my mate had a bag so he was attacked by 10 drunken boyos.

He was only let go when someone recognised him.

The Gardai with a smile on her face said the lads found the man and battered him.

True story.

I read this a good while ago and laughed out loud when I read it.
Hi Setanta,

Why do you not pay a private security company to protect your vacant investment property?


Are you insinuating that only private residences should come under the protection of our police force?
I was in an identical situation 4 years ago, (in a Dublin suburb). The Gardai responded in less than 4 minutes and made 2 arrests. I was very impresessed with their speed and efficency.

Good for you. There mustn't have been anything good on TV in the station that night.
Are you insinuating that only private residences should come under the protection of our police force?

No, I just think that owners of vacant investment properties should pay professional private security companies for protecting their investment just like any other business really.