slow starting computer


Registered User
Ok my computer takes about 2 to 3 minutes to start up. I have unchecked a lot of stuff in start up menu, did disc cleanup, defragmented etc. Checked event log and getting error 1542 windoes cannot load classes registry file. Googled a bit and it seems this is to do with user profile. Various suggestions about setting up other user which I have done and think it is better but how to fix?
How old is your computer? If it is more than a couple of years, it can get to the stage where no amount of remedial work will speed it up. In this case you might have no choice than to reinstall Windows (assuming it is a PC).

Most PC's come with a back-up version of Windows on the hard drive that allows the computer to return to its original state. The upside is that you will have a like-new computer. The downside is that you will have to backup your files and PC stuff or you will lose it all during the reinstall.
I thought 2-3 minutes was normal for a computer to start up from a total shutdown. My laptop is 2 years old and takes that long
I thought 2-3 minutes was normal for a computer to start up from a total shutdown. My laptop is 2 years old and takes that long

I'd go along with that 2-3 mins for a full startup is not unusual.

However things that can slow down the process are additional devices (particularly ones networked no longer attached) or software tools like Skype which are stated during the start process. Usually the only remedy if you don't want to individually uninstall this stuff then you will have to do as tallpaul suggests "reinstall Windows".

You should also note that you can help by upgrading the PC with more memory or faster disk, sometimes it can be a cost effective way of getting more life from a PC.
You could just leave your PC in " hibernate" mode rather than shutting down altogether. I do this with my laptop and unplug it so it doesn't use electricity. When I start it again Windows resumes much faster than waiting for the whole start up process to take place.
Although the problem is a slow start up I accept that this can happen because a computer is old - this one is about 3 years old. However it is the error message i get about the user profile I am worried about as i feel this is having an impact in some way. For example there were no recovery discs done when the computer was got so i decided to do one and it will not let me access the recovery disc creator. Yet if I sign on as a guest user it will let me access this. now I know I can probably delete the fisrt user - once I am told how - but what is to prevent this happening again if i do not understand how it happened in the first place?
Go to the Users (Accounts) link in the Control Panel and access user settings from there. Create a new user with Admin privileges and then log in using that user and attempt to delete the faulty user.
If I delete the old user profile do I lose stuff. I did read posts which suggested copying stuff fromt he corrupt profile but is it necessary or what files are important. I wouuld have thought that any documents of photos you have coupld be copied to a dongle and then put on the new profile and just download any aps again but unsure if this is the case.
slow running pc

I had the same problem 3 years ago with a four year old PC running XP.

I still have the same PC 7 years old, and it boots in 20 seconds tops, runs a host of powerful applications...

On Ubuntu Linux.

No cost, no need for extra virus protection.

You could install it on a partition and scavenge the files you need from the Windows partition.

It may need a bit of education but it will have fantastic results.

Best of luck
Download Autoruns for Windows (Microsoft free utility). It shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in the order Windows processes them. Great tool.

When running it, be careful not to delete any items you are unsure of. Check the logon tab to see what runs at startup
from the run command type in msconfig then click the startup tab and disable disable disable!