Slow day for the DUP


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I wonder did they call for an investigation into the death threats received by Neil Lennon for playing with Northern Ireland??

Earlier today
The SDLP has published proposals for closer cross-border co-operation in a range of areas including policing, health, transport and the economy.
The proposals include the establishment of an all-Ireland intelligence agency and Criminal Assets Bureau to tackle organised crime and terrorism, as well as a cross-border sex offenders register.

Speaking at the launch of the document, SDLP leader Mark Durkan unionists had nothing to fear from such all-island co-operation.

However, the hardline Democratic Unionist Party is calling instead for greater links between the North and Scotland, claiming the SDLP's proposals are "unnatural".

Are they clutching at straws here??
The lack of any reply to this just shows.......who cares? How much support do the DUP have anyway?