Sloshing of liquid in Renault Megane when braking


Registered User

I wonder if anyone can shed any light on an issue I am having with a Renault Megane. Just in the last few days I have noticed that when I brake or move forward suddenly I hear a sloshing sound of liquid coming from the front left hand side. I've never heard it before now. Anyone any ideas? I will obviously bring it into a garage to get checked out but any ideas what it might relate to?
It is not a fault. A lot of people have noted it and it apparently is something with the design. It is not a leak, just the way some fluid moves in its container.
One thing to watch out for is leaking doors.
Renault had a problem with the 2003/ 2004 productions. I noticed that paper left in the storage areas in the door were getting wet. Initially I thought it was a window problem but it turns out there was a design fault with the way the doors were designed.
Thanks for the response on that. I guess what was concerning me was I have had the vehicle for about 8 months and only started noting it recently. It's a bit peculiar to hear when driving! I'll keep an eye out for compartment leaking. Thanks again.
Another place to checl is the front footwell storage areas, it seems to collect there too. It may have been rectified if your car is a newer model though.
I had a similare problem with a car of mine, it turned out that there are drainage holes on the under side of the car for rain water (if you get down and look you might see them) and they got blocked with dirt.

I know the description sounds very car illiterate but sorry I'm not a car nut so can't descibe it any better.