Sleep- How Much?

Jaysus that sounds a bit paranoid Murt!


Just because your paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you

There are loads of areas in Dublin that I would not knowingly enter in the late afternoon, evening or especially after dark.

Just because your abroad on holiday in a foreign country doesn't make a place any safer. By your dress and actions you will stand out as a tourist and are therefore more vulnerable. Every big city has these areas.

For some weird reason which I cannot fathom at all, I always seem to find myself in the local fish market when I'm abroad. It's like an inbuilt homing sensor, or maybe these places all have many fish markets. I don't know

For some weird reason which I cannot fathom at all, I always seem to find myself in the local fish market when I'm abroad. It's like an inbuilt homing sensor, or maybe these places all have many fish markets. I don't know


Me too! Although for me it is deliberate. Mmmm, seafood.

Tarfhead- so this is what I have to look forward to?
Generally 6 or 7 hours. Less and I feel tired the next day. More is a bonus.

Agree with TarfHead - stayed in a hotel on Saturday night - got to bed around 3 after a quiet subdued evening of watching the rugby / discussing the rugby / the economy / the meaning of life / who your best mate is over a modest quantity of alcohol. *Ahem* Was looking forward to waking up at 10 or 11 as there would be no kiddies bopping about at 7 or 8. Woke up just before 7 as usual and was damned if I could get back to sleep after that. Gutted. Body clocks can be annoying.
Still feel pathological hatred for people whose children sleep 'through the night', whatever that means.

I was one of those children. Slept like a log all the time apparently. I still do. As I say to people, I don't go to sleep, I temporarily die!
Still feel pathological hatred for people whose children sleep 'through the night', whatever that means.

TBH Vanilla, other than PaddyW's (back in the day) most parents are possibly lying when they spin that sleeping through the night yarn, you can tell by their semi-comatose state, many are sleep deprived for at least the first few years.
No, it's the alcohol that makes life more fun while you're awake. Well, that and a bit of the other.
Have you noticed that other people become more interesting when you are drunk? (You are interesting all the time, I hasten to add).

I also read that 4 of the last 6 US presidents were left handed,

Usually I get 6-7 hours during the week, 7-8 at weekends, all depending on whether or not my 2 year old is going to wake in the next room going "dada". She has an awful tendancy to do that on a Friday night, bless er
I never sleep properly on a Sunday night for some reason
No children obviously.

I wonder as the children become teenagers, don't get up until the afternoon, and don't have to be taken to various activities, whether I will be able to return to my old ways.


My friend starts shouting at her teenager to get out bed at about 10.30 on sat and sun morning. She calls it pay back.
i need a minimum of 7 hours. and totally agree with a prevoius poster who never sleeps properly on a Sunday night.

some nights i find it really hard to get to sleep but every single night, i just HAVE TO know what tine it is when i finally start to settle down to sleep. (i tend to toss and turn a lot before finding a comfy position, just like a dog. ) if i don't look at the clock before i go to sleep there's no way i could sleep.
Have you been drinking?
I know you are not talking to me but I was and still am. Bed at midnight then ten hours tonight as I don't need to go in until noon. Normally during the week 6.5 - 7hrs. On weekends up to 12 hours.
Interestingly - although I do love my sleep - I find I operate better on less sleep. When I do manage to get the 11 hours stretches in i tend to feel groggy and a bit 'sryupy' the next day, whereas I seem to have more energy when I get 7/8.

I am the exact same, if i sleep in on the w/e i feel very groggy perhaps from oversleep, but it pays off on Monday when back in work etc.