Sleep- How Much?

Personally speaking, I like a lot of sleep. I just love sleep.

The weekend before last I managed to get a full 11 hours sleep on both the Friday and the Saturday night - twas a good weekend in my opinion

Usually I get between 7 and 8 hours sleep a night with more or less on the weekend depending on activities.
Personally I usually get 6-7 hours every night. Seems to do me.

I remember hearing Bill Cullen maintaining that he gets 4 hours sleep a night. Hard to see this being sustainable???
Margaret Thatcher was another of the 4 hours sleep per night people. I think the amount of sleep needed depends on the person and the real key is to whether it is good quality sleep and the person awakes feeling fully rested. There was an interesting documentary on BBC 2 during the week where they discussed the human bodyclock in a number of areas of general health, including the influence of sleep, for example shift workers who regularly work overnight have much higher diagnosis of cancer. One tip they gave which was quite helpful for people who's own bodyclock was slightly out of synch with the times they needed to sleep and awake for work was for those who tossed and turned into the night to wear sunglasses from noon onward and for those who hate to get up in the morning to get as much exposure to daylight in the first half of the day as exposure to daylight affected that particular aspect of our clock.
Interestingly - although I do love my sleep - I find I operate better on less sleep. When I do manage to get the 11 hours stretches in i tend to feel groggy and a bit 'sryupy' the next day, whereas I seem to have more energy when I get 7/8.
I've heard stories that many of the US Presidents survived on 4 hours sleep a night.

I remember hearing before that out of an 8 hour sleep, 4 of those hours are for physical recovery and the remaining 4 are for mental recovery.

I wonder if the 4 hour sleep is sustainable over long periods of time

George Bush obviously used up the 4 for physical recovery only!
I work best with 7.5. Anything over 8.5 and I'm groggy the next day anything less than 7 and I'm exhausted.
Never get more than 6 - 7 hours bur it seez t o b fin fr mee.

If you want more than 6 hours then get the snip! Kids are a killer!
Before children used to need 8 hours.

Shortly after first baby born, needed 8 hours, but only managed variations of 2 to 4 hours.

Sleep deprivation became the norm.

Baby number two arrived, coped much better with the limited sleep.

Sleep pattern ruined. Now delighted with 6 hours, can easily cope with 4. On the upside, this has given me more hours in the day. On the downside I NEED all those hours just to keep up.

Still feel pathological hatred for people whose children sleep 'through the night', whatever that means.

Am nursing a vague unfulfilled hope that someday soon the children will start to sleep later than 5.30 or 6 am ( at least on the weekends) AND sleep through the night.
7 hours during the week, maybe 8/9 either Sat or Sun.

I had sleep deprivation for about 3 months one summer when I lived beside a crowd of ectasy junkies. Every night they played garage music (complete with sirens) etc until about 6am. Guards couldn't do anything except ask them to stop. I had to leave every weekend just to catch up on sleep.
I used to wonder if there was something wrong with me. I only need 4-6 hours a night sleep
8 hours during the week, 11 - 12 hours at the weekends. AM doesnt exist for me on Saturday or Sunday
Still feel pathological hatred for people whose children sleep 'through the night', whatever that means.

My boy did that for a while then went back to climbing into bed with us and then doing gymnastics while totally asleep.

Am nursing a vague unfulfilled hope that someday soon the children will start to sleep later than 5.30 or 6 am ( at least on the weekends) AND sleep through the night.

What we do at the weekend is keep the little £"&*% up at least one hour later than usual on weekend nights.
8 hours during the week, 11 - 12 hours at the weekends. AM doesnt exist for me on Saturday or Sunday

No children obviously.

God those were the days! Now, even if I'm allowed to lie on on a Saturday or Sunday, I have become so conditioned that I just wake up anyway. I wonder as the children become teenagers, don't get up until the afternoon, and don't have to be taken to various activities, whether I will be able to return to my old ways.

The only good thing I can say about it is when you are away on holidays. The early part of the day, before anyone else is up, is the most enjoyable. Great for exploring places where you would be afraid to go at night, in case you got lost or attacked.


Jaysus that sounds a bit paranoid Murt!

I get about 7 hours a night during the week, about 9 at weekends. Ideally, I would like more on both occasions.
Have to get about 7-8 hours sleep during the weekdays, feel really knackered the day after if i dont, especially if after football training, the next day is just spent longing for the bed. on the weekends about 8-10 hours. What i hate most about weekends though is that if i go to bed at say 11pm or midnight on a friday i can be wide awake at 8am the following morning. its the getting up so early during the weekday mornings for work that it hampers my best efforts to have a lie in on saturday and sunday mornings. If I stay in bed till midday on a saturday or sunday (not that that happens often) then i feel guilty about not getting up and thinking half the day is gone and that its a waste!!!!!
No children obviously.

God those were the days! Now, even if I'm allowed to lie on on a Saturday or Sunday, I have become so conditioned that I just wake up anyway.


After almost nine years of parenthood, I think I have lost the ability to sleep past 8AM. And I am 'incapable' of getting to bed within 4 hours of the kids have been tied down for the night, i.e. it's rare that I get to bed, or at least turn off the reading light, before midnight.