Slane Castle

Ash 22

Registered User
Any of you folk there at the weekend? It got very bad publicity on Liveline today.
Far too many people, terrible bar and toilet facilities, wont be attending again. Food was Ok though (as concert food goes)
Check out this post

Yep got the bus up and expected a long walk as done Slane previously. However from the gates of Slane Castle to get into the gig took over an hour to get in. It was like cattle been herded in. Plenty of pushing and shoving then the wire meshes on each side getting pushed down and people trying to get in quicker. Was not asked for ticket once and never searched

Only 2 beer tents and a least at 45 minute queue for a beer. Only allowed 2 per person but some had 4 or 5? This cause ruptions

After Oasis went of first we started to head to back of Slane and left before their last song to get to the Bus. Heard them still playing and got to Slane Bridge just as Fireworks went off. Took a good 40+ minutes to get to buses. Lucky enough got back into Dublin at 12.30. Got texts from mates still walking at a snail pace through the village and home by 5am and he lives across the road from me

I dont know who to blame MCD,Dublin Bus, Gardai or Henry himself. Unless they raise Elvis from the dead I wont be going to Slane again as this was the worst ever

Did not get to hear good old Joe on Liveline
You can hear it again if you go onto the rte website. Lord Henry was on and said he'd be taking all these issues on board. Somebody suggested they should bring the number down from 80,000 to 60,000 but he was'nt in favour of that. Even though they reckon there was more than 80,000 let in this time.
MCD spokesperson on the radio yesterday claimed that the delays getting home was due to too many people using public transport!! I could have sworn every ad, info section and newspaper encouraged that......we drove and as usual the car outperformed public transport, back in Dublin at 12.15AM
I had a similar experience to IrishGunner. The whole thing was a bit of a disaster in terms of the organisation. I was stuck in a massive crowd making my up through the forest to the gig for over 2 hours. Any bit of a push from the back would have resulted in chaos and widespread injuries. This was having left Dublin on public transport at about 3 - made it into Slane at 6.45pm, with the major delay being between the bridge over the Boyne and the entrance. My ticket wasn't checked at all and I wasn't searched.

I don't understand why the crowd can't access the castle grounds through the village instead of through the forest.
I had the erm, pleasure, of being there, yes!
I'm sure people had it way worse than I did, but as much as I enjoyed the gig itself, I have to say, I'll never go back to Slane again- no matter who was playing.

I've read a lot of threads with people saying 'its a gig, suck it up, what do you expect' etc..but I have to say, the organisation was shocking.

I've been before, was prepared to queue for toilet/drinks/food, to walk for miles to/from buses, to see a few scobies about (particulary given the line-up) but this was something entirely different. I don't mind the scores of blokes lined up peeing on the side of the road (although I'm sure the land/homeowners around did!), again, part of the package and though the smashing of bottles all around the road was unsightly and unneccesary, it was all part the usual mess-fest of an outdoor concert. I do have to say that given the usual scummage of the portaloos, the toilets, even later in the day, were probably the cleanest I've seen at an outdoor gig (credit where credit is due and all that). The outdoor urinals for the blokes eased queue times, and dare I say it some of the mess?!?!
What bothered me the most was the 1hr20min squeeze up the forest path - it was extremely dangerous (this was cattle-mart at its very worst) and I was surprised to hear afterwards, of only one injury. Our tickets were scanned, but I've heard tons of stories of non-checking, resulting in what certainly looked to me like an over-capacity crowd.
The queuing at the bar is always inevitable, but this was ridiculous! The queues were horrendus, and not just cause you'd to wait over an hour for a beer, it was the pushing and shoving of the the punters, and the stewards ignoring it. The fact that they had to close one bar of two at a gig of that size is borderline riot incitement! That they were 'financially able' to reduce the price of a beer from €6 to €5 because they ran out of change shows the ridiculous markups attached to dregs of beer in a plastic cup. Surely, having more bars would've made more them money/caused less agro, even if they stuck to the seemingly Garda-enforced 2 drink limit.
I didn't get a Dublin bus - some of the stories were horrific, but I can't really comment. I had a not-quite-so bad experience on a private bus - despite leaving on the last note of the encore, the 6km walk (about 3k further than he said he'd be), followed by the long wait to move, followed by the gridlock meant that despite the concert finishing at 10.30, we didn't get home until 3.30 (and we live not 30km from the castle).
As I said, I heard worse than I saw - drug busts/fights/open drug taking/non-ticket checking/stranded in ditches etc... but that won't change my resolve to never throw money at the like again. A bit more organisation and it could've gone as smooth as previous years. You'll always get some horror stories, but I've never heard such an abundance of them!
Loved the music, loved the general atmosphere, would've been nice to chill out and enjoy the day with a beer but alas it wasn't quite to be. I'm just sorry that I didn't bring my own beer in - our bags weren't looked at, let alone searched!