slander\defamation question


Registered User
I have a libel\slander question. a year ago I had an issue with a large retail chain regarding an exchange of an item. Without going into too many details(it would take too long) I was sent away from the store without them exchanging my goods. I complained to their head office in the UK. I was told that this shouldnt have happened and to go back to the store for an apology. I never got this and the manager then said that I was aggressive on the night in question(she wasnt there herself). I disagreed but in the end was told that I was barred from the shop for six months(head office told me this). To be honest I found this slightly amusing and eventhough it initially annoyed me It didnt really bother me. I returned to the store two weeks ago(with a work colleague). I was there no more than five minutes when the i heard a voice from 20 feet or so behind me call my name. I turned around and it was the manager. she said that i was not welcome in the store and that she would call the Gardai if i didnt leave. I was mortified(there were other customers in the shop and I was with a work colleague and she had a raised voice). The only thing that I could think of saying was that it was a 6 month ban(i said this very quietly). She said she didnt care and that I was to leave. To say I was disgusted and embarrased is an understatement. I have been on to their head office in the UK and have now been told that its unlikely that she will apologise. I have been asked to put everything in writing. I assume the reason why she wont apologise is because it would be an admission that she did something wrong and that I could then take a slander case against them. I have told them that its not compensation that I am looking for but an apology and that if I do not recieve this then I will go the legal route. Can anyone give me any advice. Thanks
Can anyone give me any advice. Thanks

walk away, shop elsewhere, move on, forget about it.
This stuff will wear you down if you let it. Don't let it.

Let the shop carry the load of having lost your custom.
There is a separate thread going at the moment about slander and libel which is worth reading.

Failing that there is the new Defamation Act 2009 which you should google.

The Act
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Allowing a year to go by since the original alleged offence before taking legal action may count against you in court.
Showing that you were reasonable up until the recent second alleged offence might weigh in your favour.
I think a case against the second offence might be a better bet, but its the details that matter.

You need to get a definitive opinion from a solicitor.


Thanks. Unfortunately I'm like a dog with a bone in a situation like this and have no intention of letting it go. I let the first incident go a year ago but after the 2nd incident 2 weeks ago there is no way that I will. Its not a question that I want to shop in this store, its the principal of the matter. This girl got up on her high horse and did what she did for shock value, probably to show her authority in front of the other staff. She obviously didnt consider the possible consequences of her actions. There were a number of other customers in the shop that day and I'm sure that after hearing what she said they quite possibly thought that I had previously been caught for shop lifting. Rant over. Thanks for the advice
Sometimes it can be good just to get it off your chest.