Slade Castle, Saggart

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i was wondering if anyone else here has bought in slade castle,saggart? have a few questions!
I purchased an apartment there and I'll be moving in soon.
hi karzey! we've bought one of the 2 bed townhouses. have you completed your snag yet? we should be doing ours in the next 2 weeks or so, i was wondering how it went , did they fix anything you needed done?
Hi Sinead,

Snag is complete and went fine, nothing major, the place's not going to fall down anytime soon or anything! Just really small things like removal of paint from door frames, doors sticking, jagged edges here and there, clean up the place, paint where they should've painted etc. were highlighted. Builder fixed most of the things for me, I just have to chase him on one or two minor things.

The snag guy mentioned that they were well finished. Since the snag's been finished I've noticed a few things......check that all the keys are in your windows....I'm still missing a few! I noticed since that one of the saddle boards requires changing (different colour to the rest of them) and the builder has no problem changing it for me. The builder is very helpful...probably will last until everyone starts to move in! Check blemishes on the tiles, you only really notice them when you're cleaning.

Hope this helps! Happy snagging!
thanks karzey. thats great to know. we should be doing ours in the next week or so. i have spoken a few times to the site manager , he's very nice and helpful. congratulations on your new apt.
best of luck!
Slade Castle


I just recently bought an apartment in Slade Castle, Saggart. Im waiting to hear from the builder in relation the getting the snag list done? Has anyone already completed theirs??

I was told it would be a week and that was 2 weeks ago.

Hi Sinead01,

I recently bought a duplex apartment in Slade Castle and there are a few things that people buying property in the development defo need to know. I was lucky enough that my dad is an architect/fire engineer and my boyfriend is an electrician so it was only the fact that they knew where to look and what to look for that these things were spotted. I'd advise you to get these things looked at by the builders asap cause I was told that if these issues weren't fixed there could be issues when trying to sell-on:

  • there are serious fire safety issues - there is no attic fire seal, or any seal for that matter, closing off the division between you and your neighbour (for the properties that have attics). I pushed the builders on this issue very strongly and they made some attempt to fix the problem. Saying that, I will still have to get some work done to fix it correctly. This is a serious Compliance Issue. Also if you check the vent from your oven to the attic, there is no seal on this either.
  • I saw someone mention the "sticking" doors - we had the same problem. We made the builders give us the Fire-Door Certs for these doors and it turned out that they had fitted the incorrect door frame/leaf for our property. There answer to this problem was to strip off the "smoke seal" (a fuzzy layer) from around the door leaf. So basically, if there is a fire, smoke will travel through the property with no problem where this smoke seal should have stopped it.
Both of these issues above are quite serious - I have to be honest and say that I didn't have a clue bout "fire safety" and I didn't think it was that serious but I can tell you that alot of people have been telling me otherwise!! We contacted the Builers and their Solicitors about the issue and got the Builders Architects to write a letter to us saying that they were satisfied that everything to do with Fire Safety was ok...just for back-up!!!!

  • Other issues were : no hot water in the kitchen tap; the shower units were not connected to electrical or water points; the dishwasher plug was free-hanging (not mounted to the wall like sockets should be) and could electrocute someone if there is a leak around the sink; the bathroom light above the sink doesn't work...all small things that they should fix for you no problem!!
Just wanted to give you a heads up so you can get on to the builders bout these things sooner rather than later!!! Good luck though, its such a fantastic area and lovely development. We've been in for about 3 weeks now and couldn't be happier!!
thanks a million for that marsha. we have got the keys and all now but i might just check with them on those fire issues. thats a great help. could i ask you a quick question - the annual maintenance charge does that include bins or do we have to order our own?
Thanks for letting us know Marsha. My sang guy didn't highlight the breaches in fire regulations which is a bit worrying. Anyway, sounds like I'lll be making a few phone calls!

Sinead, the annual maintenace charge includes the bins. I checked this with my solicitor on signing. I assume the exisiting system will remain in place. So no need to get your own.
Re: Slade Castle


we have just moved in, we were waiting for about 2 months to do our snag! i think they just one by one! but when they do it they are very quick and get it done.
make sure you check those fire hazards, not sure if you have seen other posts regarding this.
seemingly it was on prime time last night, so check it out with builder

good luck!
This development was covered on Primetime Investigates last night. Fire safety issues are concerned with Smoke Seal being removed from door frames, key hole locks on fire doors which goes against regulations, and party wall in attics between appartments is not sealed.
Hi Sinead,

Did you have any breach of any fire regulations highlighted during any surveys/snag carried out prior to moving in? I'm also interested to know did you have a structural survey done which would've highlighted these problems as a snag doesn't cover fire safety etc.
Hi all,

Yes, I would definitely suggest getting onto the builders re the fire issues. We seriously pushed them and they made an attempt at fixing the problems (even though the "fixes" weren't up to standard!!), but the annoying thing is that if they had added the fire safety elements to the houses/apartments when building them, it would have cost nothing!! Pure short-cutting!
Karzey, it was only the fact that I had someone check the attic etc. that the fire issues were highlighted - the builders were probably hoping that thorough checks like these would not be completed! To be honest, when I talked to the Foreman and Builders Snag guy, they hadn't a clue about Fire Safety Issues.
The builders tried to fob us off by saying that the Home Bond covered us with regards to Fire Damage if there was a fire in our apartment, but when I asked a solicitor friend, she told me that that was pure crap - the Home Bond only covers serious external structural damage.
Hopefully the Prime Time programme will have scared them enough to ensure that all properties are brought up to standard.
If anyone wants the name of a Fire Safety guy (very thorough) to look over their place for extra security and peace of mind, I have contact details!
Hi Marsha,

Can you post the contact details for the Fire Safety guy. Thanks!

we have talked to a friend of ours who is a fire officer - he has never heard ever of fire doors being compulsory in a domestic situation, therefore these are an added bonus also key locks are not against regulations as it is a domestic situation.
fire seals are on all our doors, so no problems there. we have also checked our attic. i dont know whether this is just a problem with the apts or not.
Hi all,

Karzey - The Fire Consultant's website is [broken link removed]. You can email him directly from this site if you have any questions or if you want him to come out to your place.
Sinead - yeah, the fire issues are with Apartments/Duplex Apartments. If you have a standard 2-Storey house there is no need for Fire Resisting Door sets. HOWEVER, if you have a 3-Storey or if your 2-Storey has its attic converted, you must have Fire Doors (leading to stairway - the main evacuation route).
thanks for that Marsha. i hope it all gets sorted for you and the others. its a worry.
good luck with everything!
Hey, I was hoping you could help...I bought an apartment in Saggart and I'm awaiting its completion. I am on Slade Castle avenue. I was curious about when its ready and am wondering for those of you have moved in if you live near number 30 so I know if I will start hearing about my snag list soon? Also, how much are the maintenance fees? Do you have to pay the full whack or do they take installments?

Appreciate your help!

hi Maz, we are living on slade castle avenue. we're in the 2 bed townhouse. we got keys about 2 weeks ago so the sang was about a week before that. as far as i can see they are still working away on those apartments are you on the left as you go down or the right? you may be opposite us! once they're ready to snag they are very quick, we had all ours done in about a week and a half. the maintence fees are about €450 for the first year but these will more than likey go up next year!! not sure about instalments, we just did it all through the mtge but im sure they would have to set something like that up as well - check with your solicitor and he should get all the details for you. let me know how you get on new neighbour!!
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