


A friend of mine told me about this website, it appears to be some voip system, anybody here using it and any thoughts on same or are there others like this around.

Not sure why they haven't been migrated across to the new platform but these links might be of interest to you:

Skype is an excellent form of communication... using it to talk to b/f who is currently over in the states. We converse over the web, and the reception is EXCEPTIONALLY clear both on broadband and dial-up! He also will occasionally ring me on the landline or mobile using it... again it very clear (not as crisp as net-to-net), and no delay. Rates to landlines are excellent! 30min phone call from USA to here cost 60c!

I highly recommend Skype. It functions as a phone, but you can also 'chat' using text. I think it's a brilliant little application!

I started using Skype some weeks ago - bought 10euro worth of calls - lost count of the calls I have been making to Scotland, Spain and daytime to mobiles but I still have 6euro to spend!!
None of my friends or family are using the system as yet so haven,t had chance to try out - the conference facility I think will be good to have.
By the way - the search facility (available for the navigation bar near the top of the screen) works reliably now and can find even more links to topics mentioning "Skype" than I listed above.
Check out
Think its cheaper.
Babble to Babble (Net to Net) is free.
I used Callserve previously, non-broadband,and it was unusable for international destinations.