Skype on Clearwire


Registered User
I recently signed up for Clearwire and bought a voip handset yesterday. I signed up for skype and the calls were almost inaudible. At that point I checked on AAM only to discover that this was a known issue, anyone know if there are plans to improve voip capability on Clearwire?
had similar problem but was talking to a guy from Back from the Future shop in town and he was able to tell me that you have to call them up and get them to turn on VOIP capability for you. (they can do it over the phone straight away) they do not do this as default for new users as not everyone needs it and if everyone had it activated it would slow their network down.

he said he used them himself and that they were very good for ensuring speeds over their network were well maintained ... dont know exactly what that means or how they would do it but it sounded useful !

hope this helps.
Jo90 said:
they do not do this as default for new users as not everyone needs it and if everyone had it activated it would slow their network down.

I dont understand this, what difference do the blocks make unless the customer is actually trying to use Skype/VOIP? Unless they hope that the average user will try Skype/VOIP find it is crap, give up and not research it far enough to find out that the blocks can be lifted.
If this is actually the case then I would presume that by default they don't enable some sort of QoS (Quality of Service) or expedited packet delivery mechanism required by multimedia applications unless people explicitly request it since enabling it for everybody might cause contention/speed problems or something? As far as I'm aware, all things being equal (in particular QoS not being enabled on either) wireless networks can often exhibit higher packet latencies than wired networks which can affect realtime/multimedia applications (e.g. games, VoIP, multimedia streaming etc.). On the other hand I could be barking up the wrong tree altogether here! :D
I just called them now and the guy told me he'd switched me on for voip, thanks Jo90