Skype and possible virus from automatic installation of EasyBitsGo game?

Sue Ellen

Did anyone else get the automatic downloading of a game called EasyBitsGo from Skype to-day? Running AVG at the moment and have deleted the program etc. but still worried that it might be running in the background. Wasn't using Skype at the time it installed.

Reading instructions would lead one to believe that it might still be there:
I solved the problem doing the following: (For XP)

1. Uninstalled EasyBits Go from Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel
2. Deleted the Skype Plugin Manager folder from C:\Program Files\Skype
3. Deleted the EasyBits Go Folder from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data

You may run into a "Cannot Delete" problem for steps 2 and 3. When I tried to delete the Easybits Folder, several times I was denied access. I found out later that it was because SkypePM.exe was accessing. (As you know you can't delete programs currently accessed in the computer's memory)

I downloaded a program called Unlocker which alls you to delete a program, even if there is another process access it.

In summary, the root of the problem was SkypePM.exe

The Skype community have picked up on this and are not very happy about it. Easybitgames is a company in partnership with Skype producing games for game channels.

There is a thread here on it and some info on how to remove it from your system.

[broken link removed]
I just turned on SKYPE and nothing in it about easybits at all, and it didn't try to update itself. But I generally set my PC to no automatic updates on programs so maybe that's how I escaped.
Horusd, I dont have it either and I use Skype alot but I have followed the advise of one poster and went to tools-options-advanced and unchecked "automatically stop extras" hope that will keep the thing out. Skype did have a major disruption a few days ago and I couldn't connect at all. I wondering if this is a bug in their system. Strange and Microsoft only took them over a week or two ago.
I saw this yesterday when I used Skype, but was given an option (I think it was Windows 7 that asked, not Skype) and said no... I'll take a look tonight to make sure it hasn't installed!! The 'automatically stop extras' sounds useful!
Thanks for all the replies. Have uninstalled Skype for the moment and will wait and see how things work out.
Sue Ellen/cashier I don't know if this helps but I switched off all automatic updates by disabling start-up programs like skype, tom tom, adobe, Apple etc. These slow-down the computer on start-up, and also I don't want my computer being changed without my knowledge. Dr Moriarty put me onto a great program called Available here. It's free, cleans the registery, you can disable start-up progams easily etc.
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Sorry Cashier and thanks for pointing out mistake. Doh! I've corrected the link.