Sky via NTL Cable



Hi i want to get sky but don't want to run sky cable to my TV which will be mounted on the centre of the wall. My new house will be smart home system with NTL and magnet cables pre installed. My question is can i connect my sky dish to NTL cable (already installed)to get sky television. Will it work? Thanks janubaba
No reason why it wouldn't work. NTL and Sky both come into the house on the same kind of (coaxial) cable. You wouldn't connect the dish directly to your NTL cable - you'd connect the output of the Sky box to whatever is coming out of your NTL box (if you have one) now.
Hi Extopia,

Sorry i don't really get what u meant to say, what i am trying to do is to connect the coaxial cable from sky to ntl coaxial cable( which is already installed) so that there is no visible cable in my living room. then i will connect my skybox to the ntl cable point on the wall. Hopefully it makes sense. thanks

Yes, that should work fine. Coaxial cable is coaxial cable, no difference between NTL's and Sky's.
All coax is definitely not the same. You need 75 Ohm low-loss (i.e. high braid density cable). As it happens, Sky and NTL cables are likely compatible but I can tell you from experience if you are not extremely careful about how they are joined you will get signal loss and sub-standard or non-working TV reception (sometimes with problems only showing up on certain channels).
It shouldn't be a problem, I've just got sky installed and joined sky to ntl cables, would definately agree with dub_nerd..