Sky TV reception problem


Registered User
Our tv reception is poor on some channels since the storms of about one week ago. The aerial probably got blown off course, with high winds.

Contacted Sky and (after pressing some buttons on the system setup on the tv )they say that we should get an engineer to come out and have a look at it and maybe adjust the aerial, at a cost of €100.

Should we pay Sky to correct the aerial or should the correction be included in the monthly subscription.

Have we other options like move to another provider ?


Thanks ClubMan,

It is a dish and not an aerial.

Those are good links. I am going to try and adjust the dish myself as described, if I can reach it safely.

Thanks again.
There are lots more similar guides out there for aligning dishes. Basically you need to get the (a) elevation (b) azimuth and (c) LNB polarization right. If the wind put your dish out of alignment then I suspect that (a) and/or (b) are out of whack but (c) should be OK.
Thanks again.
I will wait for a calm day and then give it a go. No great hurry as most of the channels are still acceptable.
The €100 charge is due to the fact you are no longer in your first 12 months with Sky. The equipment is now your property and as such you are responsible for it and would have to pay for the call out.

A way around this would be to call Sky, tell them you are considering cancelling as the monthly cost is too much and ask them if there is anything they can do for you to keep you as a customer. They offer a few options as standard such as halving your monthly bill or giving you a free upgrade. If you go for an upgrade from the standard Sky+ box to an HD box (without the HD Subscription) you will have an engineer visit your house to install it (who can adjust your dish, replace the LNB etc) at no cost to you. You will be signing up for another 12 month contract but its a good way to get the up to date equipment and renew your guarantee without further outlay.
You could pick up a satellite signal meter for about €20 which will help greatly with the allignment.
Just noticed the extra replies here. They are very useful.
Thanks all.

